Friday, September 25, 2009

Continuing Works by J.J.

Entry #16

Hello everyone!

Life goes on doesn’t it? Whether your mate leaves you, (tho’ you think they will be back when they come to their senses), or a loved one in your family passes away; life goes on.

I’ve read verse in the bible that has Jesus say that if you love your “family” more than you love him, you are not worthy of him. We can consider this as an admonition to look beyond death, to the Eternal Heaven. We can mourn, but sometimes that takes a terrible price to pay, like when we say to ourselves, “I no longer have a reason to live!”

A moment please…

The anguish, the emptiness, the unfairness of it all. We take a deep breath. Maybe not today, the day it passed over to your shoulders to carry such a load as grief, sadness, sorrow, guilt…but perhaps on a day ahead.

We take a deep breath, and realize life goes on, and we are either with it or…NO OR’s!!! Life goes on. Some live up to a memory of life, being strong as “they” would approve. Some build a trust in memory of. And some carry on without a clue as to what happens next.

In the verse I brought up, to carry on in the service of our Lord Jesus is what is called for. That doesn’t mean going to church seven days and nights a week, doing penance or imaginary feats of legerdemain. It simply means to continue to live in and for the Love and Truth of God. Bettering yourself by walking in repentance of your sins motives, and growing in your maturity of understanding so as to prepare for the good works that in all honesty you want to do anyway!

In fact, isn’t it true that if the one you’re in mourning for, were to still be here, and were to say to you, “It’s either me or your precious Jesus, make your pick!” wouldn’t you choose Jesus!? Well, I would. So for me, I’d experience the pain of loss, but my works for Jesus, (which are just as much for myself since my whole life has been in preparation to do them,) goes on.

Life goes on…God is love but God is also life! Jesus is: “The Way, The Truth and The Life.” CHOOSE- LIFE my friend, so we are entreated by our Lord Jesus, so as to comfort yourself in helping those that still live and are in need of saving. Even if most of them don’t know it or care for it as you might express it.

Of course I’m talking in behalf of the true teachers of God’s Way in Jesus. What do I care about those false teachers that think they must be willing to die for a Jesus they have “no reason” to believe in.

But I do care! I care that any person can be so confused about the word of God in Jesus, as to be a “fanatic” for Christ. I can barely reach them with the truth. God is love and truth, and vengeance as well as justice is His! Not ours! We are not called to be judge, jury and executioner. We cannot justify our actions that bring harm to another as an interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus. God can save the most debase of persons. If you kill the sinners who can God show his mercy on?

Now, you may think; that you are not such a fanatic, but look at your fears…do you fear the prisons will release a sexual predator? Do you vote to punish them for their entire life? Oh but you are!

In my book: “God’s Prisoner” I try to show you that the basest of persons can be saved and do great things if they are given a chance. But I’ve seen the laws that are being passed; I’ve heard the bitterness of persecution. We, as a nation are no longer a forgiving nation.

Do you even care to wonder why? Then I’ll tell you: it’s because as a nation, we don’t know how to come to God in love and truth. We have come to him in blind faith and life’s problems have made us bitter. Yes bitter! Would God allow war? Would God allow child abuse? Would God allow hunger?

In his kingdom – NO! He wouldn’t, but his kingdom is yet to come, right now this is our kingdom being shared with satan and it is we who commit such atrocities.

What do we care about President Obama’s lawyers whom he’s paid two million dollars to hide his birth certificate…what do we care that he supports the thugs of A.C.O.R.N…what do we care that his maternal grandmother swears he was born in her presence in Kenya…. We are a nation of losers, who need hope and we are so tired of the B.S. of past government, that we hope the B.S. of today’s government can make it all better. After all He wrote the book…right?

But it won’t get better. It can’t get better. It’s all going to collapse and we are all going to suffer in the times ahead; so it is written. BUT…we, as individuals, in a group or alone, can do things to relieve the condition we are in. we can prepare. And for that we need God’s Word and Spirit in our lives. We need to listen to the teachers of God’s Way! Because no matter how much you like to do things alone and by yourself, this end-time preparation will need the help of as many as can see the need for it. It’s a group effort that is needed.

I am not saying this out of megalomania or psychosis; I am stating a fact. We need such a leader. We are a nation that loves a hero. Eisenhower was a president hero. John F. Kennedy was a president hero…our movies are about them, our books reveal them.
And, in the end times the Bible says our world leader will be a likened unto a hero, at least until he digs in and becomes the anti-Christ. And so we come back full circle to the teaching of the true teaching prophet who will reveal how to know the anti-Christ’s. Yet the teachers will be rejected, neglected, and abused, but will still strive to reach out to us in the teaching of God’s loving and truthful Way.

It’s past time to wake-up and begin making wise decisions. I’m sure there are other true teachers of “The Way” of God’s Righteousness, even if I don’t see them. Soon, I hope, they will see this blog and offer me their help and support. God knows I could use it, but for now, life is a struggle. It gets better, sometimes it gets worse but I will never lose sight of the author and the finisher of my faith. I only wish I could help you all find the same comfort, strength and encouragement in “The Way” of God.

I appreciate your comments, but I am saddened by your silences afterwards. I am always waiting for you to ask questions. To seek answers out. Once I had intensive daily conversations of about an hour or so, that lasted for a couple months before being able to bring enlightenment to a friend and brother in Christ Jesus. Thank-you Jesus! The bible offers a hint that it takes a person 41.6 years to come into the understanding focus of The Way, but I know that you can come to know it sooner “IF” you have a teaching prophet to lead you in the right direction.

I’m here for you, but it’s time to start reading the Bible and making tracks. Till we meet again,
In God’s Love, J.J.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #15

I feel pretty good tonight. I now have my car insurance and don’t need to worry about being stopped and towed. Yesterday was a big day too! I installed a solar panel for the battery and fixed up an inverter to jump 12 volts up to 110. But I really want to do more than work on my motor home….

I really want to do well with my Health Plan ‘MB3P’; a low cost health care that grows large will be able to do great things…

A Christian city or community is my dream. Not like other Christian cities that are only Christian in name, where every business raises its prices to take advantage of you. I want to give you an example: I was looking through a magazine that caters to the entrepreneur and this one ad was offering a sign. It was inflated and had a slogan along its tall length. It sold for about $400.00. A short while later I saw the same sign for sale in a Christian magazine and it sold for close to $500.00.

That’s not the way we Christians should do things. The Christian sign ought to be either the same price or lower! Perhaps a slightly higher price if it was an affiliate offer.

In my city or community I want to pay the taxes, earn a living and pass on the savings. I don’t want to charge high rents which make it hard for business.

Let’s have solar powered buildings, water tanks and a clean ethic. But in order for this to work out we need to be of the one mind of Christ Jesus.

“Let him who wants to lead be a servant.” That’s me! When I was in prison in Texas I took over the leadership of one of the work squads and made two rules: nobody fights without my permission and nobody pays protection.

When we hit the fields to work I kept everyone even with me and I took it slow so no one would get out of place. No pushing, no shoving, no threats, no favoritism.

I did such a good job making that squad shine that my field boss wrote me up an “Exceptional Good Work Report”. “And my squad? Well let me say this, when a new guy came on the block and threatened me that he was taking over my squad, five of my squad members stood up for me and intervened without any word from me.

They were a gang that appreciated my leadership. I’ve led bible studies; I’ve been made team captain for school yard games of kickball or other sports. I’ve been liked and hated. Those that hated me did so because of ego. I stood up for the underdog. I’ve protected the weak and had a kind word of greeting for those that nobody cared for. I cared. Why? Because I knew how he felt. And in time, God gave me a special gift of prophecy. To use to comfort, strengthen and encourage the church of brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. For close-on 30 years elapsed. I learned by the same process we all have to learn; even as Paul: The Apostle went through… “the good I want to so I do not do but the bad I don’t want to do I do. What a wretched man I am who will rescue me from this body of sin? Thanks be to God through Christ Jesus.” Yes, we are all to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God. Jesus made it possible for us to grow because before Jesus there was no Holy Spirit given by which men may be saved and that none shall be lost.” But then, that is why God gave us prophets, to lead us to the knowledge of God’s Righteousness. You don’t have to drink the water I might be able to lead you too, all I know is that if you don’t learn from me the truth that is in Jesus, as a knowledge we know firsthand and ever more intimately: Here’s how I see it, there are a host of possible scenario’s but the simple to see ones are: unsaved, or saved; blind or not blind to the word of knowledge of “The Way”; pretending you know it or serious about knowing your Lord in a for real tangible way!” if you said: I am looking for a real relationship with my Lord Jesus, and through Him a real relationship with God The Father; our true Father not a dad. Then, over the years I have learned that the best way to do that is share the doctrine of “The Way” with my godly family and help them to grow in the spirit. That’s not easy but, what else can I do?

You’re reading my blog, click on the comments and see how hard it is. Some like it, others don’t understand it and express their Christian beliefs in the same way that others who don’t understand, do.

What does it mean, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me?” it’s a true saying but how do you experience it?

Most, including the person who commented to me, probably believe that God, or Jesus will fill them with spiritual energy to be able to love others when they are weak. And in the mean time they continue to hold on to their belief by faith. Having done nothing except hope and become increasingly bitter over their inability to understand and be more expressive of the fruits of the spirit, and not experience any supernatural endowment from on high.

But that’ the end result: bitterness, before they get there they will become fanatical Christians, having NO REASON, for their beliefs other than a misunderstood belief in blind faith.

They will be bible thumpers that give the same blind teachings to others that they believe but fail to achieve any true meaning of. It’s kinda like the married woman who has an affair and tries to convince herself she must be in love to do it, or continue in her infidelity and adulterous relationship. And all they are doing is living a lie.

It’s the same with blind faith, only it’s believed that Jesus really loves you and will reward your blind faith with strength to live in; the love and fruits of the spirit IF they just hold onto that blind faith.

Sorry, it doesn’t work like that my friend. Faith does not grow by stubborn belief. You must find the way of love and truth beyond your reasons for sin and submit to it, abide in it until it becomes yours in understanding knowledge and a transforming change of being.

To do that means a continuing work of repentance, a work that the bible may hint at as taking about 41.6 years to accomplish on your own, AND Not a onetime confession you think was your one time repentance!

Folks, read my blog again. Read the teachings I share. Try to do it even though you don’t want to. It’s so much easier to have blind faith…break away! You can do it. Then join me in my efforts to build a true Christian community.
In Him,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #14

Wow! My lady and I had need of some money to transfer registration and so I tried and placed an ad to sell a mini fridge/freezer/microwave we had in storage. “$100.00 runs good and quiet. I then went to my email and checked for the confirmation e-mail, clicking to confirm. Then to eliminate some of the spam file. When I returned and refreshed my inbox there was what I thought to be a confirmation of the confirmation, but it turned out to be someone, namely the woman that bought it. That fast!

With a little help from savings we are now registered. Now to get the ticket kicked out….
Life finds its ways to keep you busy and scrambling to eke out an existence but you gotta love it. When you are trying to be a man of the family and life can be viewed in the realm of thought, will and emotion shared with our Lord Jesus; brother; savior; friend and the Word: God the Son.

I don’t know about you, but I love being “in the view” with Jesus but then I get out of bed and know the view won’t last much longer. But seriously, it doesn’t have to remain that way; we actually are supposed to GROW in our personal relationship with our Father in Heaven.

Check it out in your bible: Ephesians 4:17-24, and II Peter 1:3-11.

Paul sure believes in “Living in the view” He said so in so many words: ‘Why, who are you to judge me? You judge by human standards but I judge by spiritual standards, “for who may knoweth the mind of the lord that he may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ;” having his thought, will and emotions as our own in “increasing measure.”

Seriously folks, as I walk in the way of understanding I see so much of the false teachings of man trying to sound like they know the way of Jesus, but really don’t even have a clue. It’s really amazing to think that before I came into the understanding that we all get in The Way, I probably would have sat through those false teachings thinking that I must be dumb or something because I just don’t get it! Now I know they don’t get it! And unless they humble themselves to be meek (teachable) they will probably never get it.

If they are saved they will go to heaven as one “passing through the flame” they will lose certain of their rewards but they will know God and Jesus as Lord and Savior.

And if they could, they would rue the day that they missed out on knowing an abundance of God’s blessings before entering heaven!

Don’t be like these Christians who refuse teaching from anyone who claims to be a prophet, even though I Cor. 14:22 says: “Prophecy is for believers.” Just make sure he’s really a prophet! How can you tell? He has the reason to show you HOW TO COME TO GOD in Repentance. He will show you the substance and evidence of faith; he will teach you how to be obedient through submission and not by will power. He will show you how to believe in Jesus by proving his existence. He will show you where your hope in Jesus comes from and he will not ask you to believe without reason! You will understand how to test the spirit.

With these guidelines you will see that I am a prophet in truth. Now let’s get you going on the path of understanding so that you can do God’s will in all honesty. And you can experience God’s abundant blessings. Take care,
In Him,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Continuing Works by J.J.

Entry #13

I’ve had a few comments from a few readers, but where are the people who think they are Christians simply because they were given assurance that they were by the preacher they asked, if whether they were saved when they made their confession and sinners prayer, or not?

I haven’t heard from you yet…doesn’t it concern you that someone, (ME) is telling you that if you have to ask you are probably not saved? Or, why don’t you mind that I told you that the churches will be the ones persecuting the true Christian believers? Where are the angry mobs?

I’m sure that if I were to make such a statement in Israel or any of the Muslim countries, I would most likely be lynched. And while “we” American Christians, like to think we are above that type of behavior, the truth is we are not. Let some emotional type preacher stir up the hornets’ nest and watch out…we “goody-goody” Christians will go out and bomb abortion clinics, put pipe bombs in cars, or even picket a church that we were told was anti-Christ.

No, we are still just as animalistic as the “others”, but for the most part we are just snobbish know it all’s.

The other day I went to a Christian merchandise store that closed the store on Sundays and held church services. I talked to the lady that was there sweeping out the store and commented on the church and asked if they also had bible studies classes and if they ever had guest teachers? She answered by saying that she and the pastor taught the bible study classes.

So I put her to the test and asked her what was the “Hidden Wisdom” spoken of in I Cor. Chapter two? Her answer: “You tell me.” When I told her I would tell her after she told me she said, “The bible tells us not to get into debates about the word.”

Folks, if that sounds like something you would say, you would be just like her and in the wrong! A debate is not trying to change a person’s mind from misconception, but is rather trying to convince a person that their way is better. The difference is that “reasoning” (what she called a debate,) shows the error of a person’s way from a way that is proven true. A debate doesn’t try to show the errors of the way but the benefits of doing things their way. You can still believe what you want but you are asked to adopt the way of the debater because it is the most beneficial of the ways for all concerned.

When I told her that she was in the wrong for wanting to make me go first, she started acting self righteous and says things like: “I’m sorry you feel that way SIR.”; “Have a nice day SIR.”

Shut the door behind you, and don’t let it hit you in the arse on your way out…. Listen, the verse that she referred to does not say do not debate the bible, it says do not have foolish arguments about the bible. Reasoning is not foolish!

Paul used “reasoning” with king Felix in the book of acts…God used “reasoning” with Isaiah in the book of Isaiah. Reasoning is the trademark of all true Christians. Jesus told us not to make judgments based on only what you see. And he said prove me my sin! They couldn’t.

Yet we are to “Prove” the truth of the gospel. (John chap. 3) and it is hidden to those without the spirit. There is no church today teaching this hidden wisdom of Jesus Christ. So, it will and does bump heads with church taught doctrine. You are told: Blessed are the meek, (teachable)… but where are the teachable meek? The next day I walked past that same store/church and the male teacher was there, so I explained to him about the lady “teacher” and how I tried to put her to the test, and at the mention of the word “test” he stopped the conversation and said “End of conversation; you can’t test me.” He then clammed up and refused to tell me why I can’t test him, yet when I left he started in teaching the others that were there, (three of them,) and started to teach them about not letting themselves be tested. Saying, that you can never satisfy a testing person because they will always have an answer different than yours, and claim that you are in the wrong.

Perhaps, in the way of the world testers are like that, but the bible tells us to “Test the spirits.” I John 4:1 Why? So you can tell who the true prophets from the false prophets are. And folks…if a test can tell them apart then it stands to reason that you can’t be a teacher with a different teaching and claim that you are just teaching “at the place you are at in the spirit.” To be able to test the spirits you must have the same knowledge of understanding or you will always test wrong in comparison. So I was in the right to put them to the test, and they were wrong to refuse to be tested. That is why the bible tells us that you should be careful to call yourselves teachers for teachers will be judged more harshly. It’s a big responsibility that has been heavily abused in the churches; with over 34,000 different Christian doctrine teaching church’s teaching what “their itchy little ears want to hear” instead of the truth in Jesus.

Well wherever you are, you can stay there where you are at. But for those of you that have questions to find understanding, let’s hear from you!!!

If you have been told to avoid foolish arguments, then avoid them, but any “discussion” that seeks enlightenment in understanding is not foolish nor is it an argument. Even if we are opposed to each other’s belief, to reach an agreement one way or the other is a good thing!! We may never come into agreement of beliefs, (and we won’t as long as you will not walk in “The Way.”) I know that most beliefs contrary to the one-true belief are usually caused by misunderstanding the Christian faith.

“Do you believe that you can’t get into heaven unless you believe in Jesus?” They ask; and if I simply say yes, they reject the message of salvation. But believing is so much more than an inclination of favor…to really believe, according to the Greek word: pisteuo, means: to know, to trust, to be obedient to, to cling to.

To know: a confident assurance based on our increasing transformation in the mind of Christ given from the practice of repentance.

To trust: an act of faith that rests on the foundation of increasing love and truth found in our repentance.

To be obedient to: to submit to the way of love and truth found in our repentance, with a determination personalized by our commitment to walking in the way of righteousness. This is NOT a commitment to following the Ten Commandments. Yet if we are true to submitting to the love and truth found in our proper repentance we will be found to be “IN ACCORDANCE” to the commandments, for “whatever commandment there may be they are all summed up in the commandment of love for love does no harm to its neighbor.”

To cling to: a response of love and adoration given to our Lord for his many gifts of the spirit.

Without this fuller acknowledgement of believing, the word “believe” is empty of meaning and mistaken for an act of a simpleton. Yet so many “born-again” Christians think that believing without the substance and evidence of faith is what is meant when asked if they believe. Thus perpetuating the misunderstanding of true belief.

When true understanding is reached then the strongholds of a false belief are more readily apt to be re-considered and possibly changed.

Have you any questions, comments or contrary opinions to ask or share? Have others in your church discouraged you from asking? To hell with them! Let them pave their own road to destruction without dragging you along!!

Proverbs 2:1-5 tells us to cry aloud for knowledge and seek it as for hidden treasure! Go and take your shovel and dig for your treasures. How many holes must you dig before you find it? How many blisters will you have on your hands? I never said the love and truth of God was easy to find, only easy to look for! REPENTANCE!!!

The process of asking why you do the wrong that you do, to find the motives/reasons/excuses why you do wrong and seek out the loving and truthful alternatives that the Holy Spirit acknowledges and you submit to, is easy. Doing so until you become fruitful is dependent on your desire for freedom, love, truth, strength, real faith and determination. Yet if you are so easily persuaded from asking the questions you have, then you may end up as one of those who perish for lack of knowledge in the true faith. Sad!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.


Supplemental Health Care Plan

A: This health plan is described as: NOT AN INSURANCE. It is a personal commitment to a privately sponsored co-operative venture in which each member makes a monthly contribution to the sponsor “The Friends of Jesus Church-Club” owner. He will then pool the contributions together into one collective fund. This fund will then be “adjusted” for use, to help each member who has submitted a valid claim in the month previous, to pay their hospital/medical bills. And if, after paying all claims, in full, any fund money remains in this claim payment period, it will be given over to the sponsors owners use free and clear of any strings attached.________

B: Five questions are asked to qualify the member for application; a yes to any question disqualifies the member application unless there is an added policy form that allows conditions of application to change. These questions are:
• Are you younger than 18 years of age?
• Have you or any group member been to see a doctor 6 or more times in the past 12 months?
• Are you 35 years of age or older and smoke?
• Have you or any family member been cited for any drug or alcohol related offences in the past 12 months? _________

C: Monthly contributions are “adjusted” for use by deducting 30% from the total fund. This is for the sponsor’s owner’s use. This 30% deduction from the total monthly payments collected after the initial first months Member fee payment, will be used to pay MB3P’s overhead on a monthly basis which will include but not be limited to: Agent’s commissions, operations, and dividends. The remaining amount will be used to pay the claims “allotted” amount for that months claim payment period. ______

C: subset 1: Dividends will be issued every month in the amount of $1000.00 paid to the member clients in the order determined by their date of signing up for the MB3P Supplemental Health Plan; and limited to the amount of the “claim payment fund” to be used for the current “claim payment period, after any claims submitted for payment in the current claim payment period are paid; with any remaining amounts not large enough to be used in any current dividend, to be given to the owners use with no strings attached. This action will be repeated every month, insuring that every member client will receive ongoing dividends for the length of their membership in the order of their issuance; and that no dividend is guaranteed issuance if the member’s membership is terminated before the member’s name comes up for dividend payment. _________

D: The “allotted” amount portioned for claim payments is determined by dividing the total number of claims received or carried over from the previous month into the total adjusted contribution fund for the current claim payment period. ________

E: The monthly contribution amount will be $300.00 until such a time comes that law is passed that requires Mandatory Health Plan Coverage. At that time the monthly contribution amount and the first month’s membership fee, for new members, will both be raised to $400.00 per monthly payment. _______

F: The MB3P plan is based on a reoccurring two month process. With exception of the member’s first contribution payment every month is both a claim month and a contribution month.
• A claim month for submitting claims to be verified for billing and allotted payment on from the following months adjusted contribution fund.
• And a contribution month, in which the member contributions are collected, pooled and adjusted for use to make allotted payments on verified billing claims submitted in the previous month or carried over from the previous month. And only verified billing claims submitted or carried over from the previous month. ________

G: The first month’s contribution payment is used as a “Membership Fee” and does not go towards paying any claims. It is for the sponsor’s owner’s use only. It marks the beginning of the members first claim period. ________

H: If any of the claims made payment on does not use the full allotted amount portioned to it from the adjusted contribution fund, whatever amount that remains unused will be used on the claims that require more than the allotted amount. And any claim that remains not completely paid when the fund for that months claim payment period is depleted will be carried over as a claim into the succeeding claim payment periods, to be paid on with additional allotted payments until it is paid for in full. ______

I: Contribution payments are due post marked from the 1st. to the 3rd. of the month. Payable in cash, check or United States Postal Money Order to the order of: MB3P. All claims submitted and verified in the previous month will begin having payments made on them beginning on the 10th. of the claim payment month. _______

J: As long as I continue to make my monthly contributions and they are accepted and adjusted for use, I will remain a member of MB3P and be entitled to all benefits listed herein this agreement. I am also given to understand and agree with, that, if I fail to make my monthly contributions, outside of policy guidelines, or issue a check that bounces, or I abuse or falsify any claim, billing, medical exam, or member application it WILL result in losing my membership and all benefits of membership without refund or reimbursement, immediately without need for notification. ________

K: (The following section does not apply to work block members.)
1: A contribution missed will be given a once-a-year opportunity to make up a missed contribution payment by being able to include it in with the next month’s contribution. (DEC. Exempted)
2: If the second month’s contribution payment is also missed, membership will be ended immediately along with any member benefits being given for claim payment in the first month of missed contribution; without need for notification being given.
3: This is given Special Request exception to if the “Insert Claim Form” is received in lieu of a missed contribution and indicates the lack of the contribution payment is due to a verified Job Loss (JL), Temporary Incarceration (TI), or Unexpected Hospitalization (UH).
4: During this exception period, collection of the monthly contributions will be deferred for up to (3) months while still providing “Emergency Medical Coverage”.
5: The use of this one-time-only benefit will also automatically determine, and if available, add a month of regular coverage if a “Hedge Fund” is on file.
6: “Emergency Medical Coverage” will not be given to members who avail themselves of this option if the emergency was invalid and could have been handled as a non-emergency._________

L: All hospital billings submitted for claim payments MUST give power of verification authorization to the MB3P sponsor and/or representatives, and be included with the “INSERT CLAIM FORM.” Billing information will not be given to any 3rd. party nor will it be stored on any computer that has internet access. ________

M: The MB3P plan offers immediate coverage of the member’s immediate family living under the same roof. ________

N: MB3P members will be given a $50.00 finder’s fee for referring any person that becomes a member. (Payable from out of the membership fee of the new member.) ________
MB3P Statement: All claims and forms will be diligently investigated for compliance to terms and attempted fraud; any member that is purposely in non-compliance or perpetrating a fraudulent policy form will lose their MB3P membership and all benefits without need for notification.

O: All accidents are covered and need not apply for special consideration request for surgical procedures deemed operationally needed for life threatening remedies. _________

P: MB3P does not pay for bills already incurred or arising from already incurred medical diagnosis.
• It does not pay for medications or treatments arising from previously diagnosed needs.
• It does not pay for continuous monthly treatment or prescription medications, with the exception for prescriptions that are needed for full term cure. (Monthly prescription coverage will be given when law is enacted that makes Statewide Health Care Coverage Mandatory and all members of MB3P have increased their monthly contributions to $400.00.)
• It does not pay for cosmetic surgeries that satisfy the vanity of the member.
• It does not pay for psychiatric, psychological, theosophical or holistic therapies.
• It does not pay for massage, accu-pressure.
• It does not pay for medication or treatment for STD’s or STD related illness except as provided by separate policy arrangements.
• It does not pay for abortions or abortion related illness except as provided by policy arrangement for any abortion from a pregnancy caused by a rape verified by a police report of the incident. _________

The following limitations are offered coverage only as requested on the “Insert Claim Form” as a “Request for Special Consideration” after all claims and deductions are first met. Or when the MB3P membership reaches 6,000 members, the following limitations will be included automatically into the coverage benefits.

Q: MB3P does not pay for transplants, implants, or replacement surgeries. No hospitalizations beyond 10 days of semiprivate confinement. No prosthetics. No mobility devices. No dental costs over $2,000.00. No chiropractor. No acupuncture. No hearing devices. No pain control devices. _________
MB3P does cover infertility treatments, speech therapy, and after monthly contributions are increased due to law enactment requiring Mandatory Health Coverage any member needing diabetic meds or supplies will also be given coverage if they are diagnosed with diabetes after becoming a member. ________

R: Previously Insured Claims: Any member that is additionally covered by medical insurance, that will pay the billing, may submit a duplicate claim to MB3P for a one-time payment, (O.T.P.), in the amount of: The Billing amount; the allotted amount; or 10% of the sponsors deducted amount…whichever is the least amount for that claim payment period. _________

S: Without any expectations other than those listed herein, I give agreement to the terms and make application to become an MB3P member._________

Again it is stressed: this is not an insurance policy! It is a privately sponsored Health Care Billing Payment Plan Provider that calls for the co-operative commitment of each member to give a monthly contribution, in the determined amount, to the sponsor “The Friends of Jesus Church-Club’s” owner: MB3P/James Truett, who will then pool the contributions of the collective members together to create a monthly fund which, after being adjusted for use, will be used to pay the allotted payments portioned to the verified claims submitted or carried over from the previous month. And that if any of the fund money remains unused after paying all claims, in full, it will be given to the sponsors owners use free and clear of any strings attached. It will not be used on any future claim payments. ________

___________________________ Signature/ member-employer
Name (please print)
Address APT.#
City State Zipcode
Home phone
Work phone
Cell phone
PI (x)
MB3P Member ID #
Agent Name & ID#

Family or Work Block Group


Additional Comments:


Date: Agentof Record/MembershipAcceptance
________________ ________________________________


As a member of MB3P, that is temporarily hospitalized or incarcerated, I am given the unwarranted consideration, by the MB3P sponsor owner, a chance to avail myself of professional child care during my temporary incapacitation.
I understand that this service could be in the form of a live-in Nanny, for up to one week, or up to the maximum allowed of a Child Care Board and Care. (4 months, This period of time is directly related to section "K")
I understand that all diligence will be given to insure that any such service will be provided for by professionals established and of good report with legal credentials, licenses and references. But in acknowledging that after taking every precaution, something could possibly go wrong, I sign this release form that releases MB3P, its sponsor/owner, and its employees, from any and all prosecutions, whether criminal and/or civil, that could arise due to the criminal and/or civil misconduct of the services provider.
I do hereby authorize the MB3P sponsor/owner to employ said Child Care Service Agency according to said terms and conditions, as my signature below gives testimony to.

_________________ __________________ ____ Member Date Witness

(Signature of MB3P owner needed for approval)


As a member of the MB3P Health Plan I, _____________________, have requested payment for abortion coverage. I have been made aware of, by the medical and psychiatric counselors at the place where the abortion will be performed, of the inherent and real dangers and complications that this procedure can cause, some of which, but not all, are listed here as: infection, needing stitches, infertility, stopped periods, scarring, mood disturbances, suicide and possible death from the operational mishaps caused by human error.
Because of these, and any not listed complications whether physical and/or mental, I do hereby release MB3P and its sponsor/owner from any and all blame or guilt that may be attempted to attach to them for paying for this operation as covered in the MB3P Health Plan I subscribe to.
I also understand that should any complaint be given against MB3P, or its sponsor/owner, as a result of any incurred danger or complication, known or unknown in its possibility, my MB3P membership will be ended without need for any notification.
By my signature below I show that I agree to these terms and stipulations.

_______________ ___________ _____________
Member Signature Date Witness


The need for an affordable health plan is real. In January of 2008 Governor Swarzenegger tried to implement a statewide MANDATORY health law. He failed.
But he will try again; and will eventually succeed in implementing it. That means that someday, possibly sooner than you may realize, we Californians will be saddled with a mandatory health plan that will require every working person to be covered with some sort of health insurance.

In the state of Massachusetts, the Governor there implemented a mandatory health plan, and it is said that our California Governor is watching them. If our governor copies their health plan this is what you can expect in the very near future…
• Phase one: If you make $15,000.00 or less per year you will fall into this category where the state pays your total health care costs. This is not a free ride! You will be required to go to certain state mandated clinics which will use the lowest paid Doctors and nurses. This means poor conditions will be the norm and with poor conditions comes third rate care, a dirty facility, (which means more deaths due to staff infections, and an increase of MRSA boils that are painful and never fully recoverable from the virus. The minimum wage earnings of a Californian exceed’s this level of coverage and would make most minimum wage earners liable for phase two coverage.

• Phase two: If you make between $15,000.00 and $30,000.00 per year you will need to buy your own insurance on a sliding scale fee that begins at approximately $250.00 per month. You will also have co-payments for doctor visits, specialist’s visits, emergency room visits, and prescription costs.

• Phase three: If you make over $30,000.00 per year you will be required to pay for your total costs of insurance. There are some low cost insurance plans to be had for the individual but they require doctors listing, hospital listings, and co-payments in addition to basic insurance coverage costs. They very possibly may require blood tests to determine genetic tendency towards future sicknesses, Family histories for the same reason; both of which will increase your premium payments, or a raise in your yearly deductible.

Because of these and other hidden problems with insurance companies, I have started my own health care coverage company called MB3P. As you turn the page to read about this remarkable health care concept, I want you to know that this is something I do from the love of Christ Jesus that I know in my heart. As you look at several of the pages here on my web-page you will certainly see that I am very sincere in this belief. And whatever I do in the Name of Jesus I will do with my utmost sincerity and integrity. Welcome to MB3P!

Should you decide to get coverage from MB3P, Here's a list of the top hospitals that we believe you should be able to receive services from:

Top Hospitals = less Deaths

Digestive Disorders: UCLA Medical Center, L.A., Ceders Sinai Medical Center L.A.
Ear, nose and throat: UCLA Medical Center, L.A.
Endocrinology: Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla
Gynecology: University of Calif. Davis Medical Center, Sacramento
Heart and Heart Surgery: UCLA Medical Center, L.A., Scripps Memorial Hospital, LaJolla
Kidney Disease: University of Calif. San Diego Medical Center, UCLA Medical Center, L.A., UC San Francisco Medical Center
Neurology and Neurosurgery: Ceders Sinai Medical Center, L.A.
Orthopedics: USC University Hospital, L.A.
Respiratory Disorders: UCLA Medical Center, L.A., Univ. of Calif. San Diego Medical Center
Urology: UCLA Medical Center, L.A., Univ. of Calif. San Diego MedicalCenter
Ophthalmology: UCLA Medical Center, L.A., USC Univ. Hospital, L.A.
Pediatrics: Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto CA., Children’s Hospital, L.A.
Rheumatology: UCLA Medical Center, L.A.
Cancer: Univ. of Calif. San Diego Medical Center

MB3P is a co-op-erative venture that has the intentions of offering affordable health coverage for the members by pooling and adjusting the member’s monthly contribution so that the resulting fund can be used to pay the members bill of those who have submitted a valid medical claim billing in the previous month for payment. As membership grows, larger bill payments can be covered in fewer monthly payments; and the sponsor will be able to look for ways to offer more and better benefits.

The sponsor J.J. is not out to get rich, but rather out to improve the quality of life for the people who subscribe to the service; while at the same time raising money for basic needs and future plans that will involve the members of the sponsor’s church-club.

Those members will be that remnant of Christian believers that find resonance in the teachings of J.J. You will know your inclination by your reaction to my articles of faith as found on my web site
Hence, “The Friends of Jesus Church-Club” is both: a church that will be open to the public for public worship at a specific time and day; and a private club that will only be available to members at all times; A club that accepts the witness of the prophet J.J. in his vision for the future.

In the club portion of the church club it is reasonable to suppose that the individual members will also be spiritually inclined to do works of Godly love to benefit each other and the community at large. These works of love will be encouraged by the prophet J.J. but make no mistake, the primary goal of all of the works of J.J. is to share the truth of The Way that all true Christians need to know. If you have a question about any of the teachings I share, ask me! It’s almost impossible to have a meaningful conversation like this but I’ll do my best to make it all easy for you to understand.

The church-club is in the future, I cannot do it without your help. And this will be the only time I ask for your donations, especially if you are rich. Give me a thousand and I’ll pay some rent; give me fifty thousand and I’ll rent a church-club building and furnish it as best I can. Give me nothing and I’ll continue to do all I can to fulfill my dreams without your help.

I’m going to make PBS broadcasts, I’m going to try and publish the book I’ve written: “God’s prisoner” 248 pages of action and truth. I’m trying to contact universities to offer them opportunity to build my electrical generating plant which was given to me through inspiration. So far no luck, maybe they think I’m a crack pot and don’t want to answer. I tried getting the 3m company to buy an office product invention but they don’t buy unpatented inventions. Why not? I’m trying to interest any big city or country with a pollution problem to try and get rid of it with my simple idea but can’t get hold of anyone. I’ll keep trying, I’m green as hell on computers but I’m learning slowly. PRAISE GOD!!! This is me and this is who is behind MB3P. I pray I can earn your trust and respect and love.

I’ve dedicated my life to The Way of God and I don’t regret any of it. As I write up more of my articles I’ll put them on this web site.
God Bless all of you.

In Him,

PS...An update, my book has been completed and is for sale on my web site. Check out the Book Review section and if you like it, click the Book order page. It's a great book and I'm sure you will like it.

Trade in your insurance for MB3P and SAVE!

Yes, if you are paying more than $300.00 a month for your insurance plan, you are paying too much!
At MB3P you only pay three-hundred dollars a month for health coverage for your entire family. How is this possible? It is possible because this health plan is a co-op.

Every time a new member signs up for our health plan the amount of the potential coverage increases. If just two people signed on, then the potential coverage would be $420.00 (that’s $210 dollars per every person signed on.) And if only one of them filed a claim they would receive as much as they need of the total amount of the $420.00 to pay their medical bill.

It’s like the old trickster that would say give me ten dollars and I will double your money for you. And then promptly folds the money in half. Only we don’t do any folding. The money that you contribute to the common fund, as a member of MB3P, is adjusted and goes on to paying any claim that is filed, with the understanding that when you do file a claim you will be given the same coverage potential. Yet with the increase of new member sign-ons the coverage potential will increase and bigger bills will be enabled to be paid.

You may not need any plan for paying your hospital bills at the moment, but if Governor Swarzenegger has his way, he will soon implement a statewide insurance plan. He tried to get the vote in January but failed; but rest assured he will try again.

When he succeeds in making insurance coverage mandatory by law, insurance premiums will skyrocket, yet at MB3P we will only modestly raise our monthly cost to $400.00 at that time we will then be able to include coverage of monthly prescriptions, and that’s still a lower payment than any insurance plan, without the headaches they would give you with their red tape disadvantages; and don't forget we pay dividends!

In the days ahead I will reveal the MB3P plan in the following pages and you can see for yourself how it will work. I’m not going to hide a thing, if anything is to be hidden it will probably be the added benefits that I will add-in as the membership grows and the plan becomes more successful.

You may have seen the mention of this Health Plan in an earlier visit to my web-page…At first I just put it out there that if anyone wanted to be an agent for MB3P was an opportunity for doing so; but I didn’t give it my priority attention to seek the employees out; my priority was in my articles of Faith and the book I recently finished and got published.

That is all done now, though’ I still have a few more articles to type up and place here for you who enjoy reading them; but because times are difficult and donations to my web-page are scarce, and I do need to start making a living, it is time to switch my priorities and push for the establishing of the MB3P Supplemental Health Plan.
It is now ready and licensed, it’s been checked for fraud detection and passed with flying colors; but then, I knew that it would because it is a spiritually inspired program that seeks to be a benefit to so many.

• Here’s the first benefit…for the first one hundred people to sign on for this MB3P Supplemental Health Coverage Plan, I will offer a $25.00 discount to your sign on fee. (Be sure to lay claim to it when you apply.) Plus when future benefits are added on as we grow more successful, you will be the first to receive these possible future benefits. I envision such added-in benefits as a one-time $10,000 life insurance/ educational benefit. Perhaps even a home improvement benefit. Whatever the benefit will be it will be added-in without any increase in your monthly payment.
I do not plan to ever have a deductible placed in the plan. And co-payments are to always be non-existent. Some limitations will apply but nothing grievous, some of which will be eliminated as memberships grow. So Please…I am asking you…if you live in San Diego California, give me a call if you are interested in signing on to the MB3P Supplemental Health Plan. You can reach me at: 619-408-7998. If you miss me, leave a message and I’ll get back to you ASAP. I need you for this to work and it will work!


The idea behind the “Group of 20 Plan” is that any large group of people may purchase personal and/or family Health Care from MB3P, at their affordable rates, while at the same time allowing for the sponsor of MB3P to take 10% of his net proceeds from the monthly billing and apply that 10% as a charitable contribution for the Beneficiary Stipulated by the individual Groups of 20.

Each Group of 20 may stipulate one of three charitable person or organization. These three are listed as:
• A person. Any person designated to receive a check as a charitable benefit.
• A charitable organization. This can be any verified charitable organization.
• The Group of 20. This means that when this charitable choice comes up on the roster for a charitable donation to be given it, it will receive the designated contribution if their Group of 20 has not fallen to 80% or less of the required total of 20; and the charitable contribution will be given in a split distribution to each member.



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Monday, August 17, 2009

continuing works by J.J.

Entry #10
Hi everyone! Let’s talk about bibles.

Most of your fundamental Baptists think the only bible worth reading is the KJV. That’s the “King James Version.”

I believe it was first published in the year 1611, I’m not sure, but it’s considered the only authorized bible.

There are other versions, such as the NIV, (New International Version), TLB, (The Living Bible), TEV, (Today’s English Version), and The Amplified Bible; to name a few prominent titles.
Then there are bibles put out by certain scholars: The Schofield, the Phillips, and others which all have commentary that is of interest to read.

There are chain reference bibles, concordance keyed bibles, (keyed to “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance” which lists every word in the bible both the Greek and the Hebrew, with the full meaning of the words in the original language.)

As you can see, there are quite a few bibles to choose from and that not even counting the bible versions put out by different faiths; like The New World Translation, put out by the Jehovah’s witnesses, or the Catholic bible which adds a few epistles that the protestant KJV bible doesn’t include.

The descriptive information on all of these bibles including the additional study bibles and paraphrased bibles is staggering, so let’s cut to the chase!

I’ve found that the most accurate bible to have is the KJV. An accuracy some say doesn’t carry over into the New King James version. I agree.

But the KJV bible has its faults too! Its use of old King James English makes for over 500 words that have confusion written all over them because they have meanings unknown to most modern day readers and words that have changed meaning. For example, if I use the word “prevent” to say, “I’m going to prevent you going out that door.” What am I saying? I’m going to stop you…right? WRONG! In the kings English it means I’m going to go out that door before you do. I’m going to pre – vent!

For good modern English translation of the original manuscripts in the Greek and Hebrew, I like the NIV. But it too has its faults. What’s a person to do?? My suggestion: Buy a composite bible.

There are some good ones. One I like is made up of four bible versions: the KJV, the NIV, The American Standard Bible and The Amplified bible.

With a composite bible you can read the same verse in four different ways of expression all on the same page. And that’s a good thing! For example: you read in the KJV I Cor. 2:16 that, “the spiritual man judges all things but is not subject to any mans judgment for who knows the mind of the lord that he may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ.” And in the Amplified Bible we see that to have the “mind of Christ” is to have his “thought, will and emotions.” This of course is seen to be true once we have walked “The Way” of repentance for any length of time and have been “transformed by the renewing of our minds” into Christ’s image in some degree of growth.

Then we might read in the KJV II Tim. 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed who rightly divides the word of truth.” And see in the NIV that the word study is changed to: “Do your best…”

A major bone of contention for the fundamental churches that see this as an error of translation, but they are wrong. This is actually one of their biggest problem verses because they misuse it to say it means to study the bible. This was discussed in Entry #3 in my included article: “The Way”. Yet the end verse is wrong in the NIV and correct in the KJV.

As you can see there are many points to consider in picking the right bible to read, so let’s again sum it up and come to a conclusion. This is my considered conclusion and I believe it will serve you best.

Avoid any bible that is church specific…the Jehovah’s Witness bible, the Catholic bible, the Unification church bible.

Avoid study bibles because they are written to support the fundamental doctrine of protestant belief, with commentary slanted towards that end. You may see this if you look to II Tim. 2:15 and read the commentary and see if it says that it means to study the bible.

Avoid all paraphrased bibles! They too are written to support a fundamental belief and remove important key words so that you cannot look them up in an exhaustive concordance. Avoid these bibles at all costs! Certain phrases in the original become clear in meaning as you grow in the mind of Christ, if they are removed through paraphrasing to what they think it means then you will lose that measure of faith.

If I were to choose one bible version, I’d choose for you the NIV. But the best bible for you is a composite bible. Read the New Testament, you can read the old later. Become knowledgeable of The New Testament. Avoid church doctrine, avoid bible studies; just read for yourself the story of Christ Jesus and his apostles. After you have done that then listen to a teacher. A prophetic teacher.

There are a lot of preachers, teachers and even a lot who say they are prophets. I’ve seen, heard and read more than my share of them in my 55 years of life and I’ve not seen one who taught “The Way” as I do. Most don’t even teach the bible and prophesy about things not even related to the bible, such as cars are going to get 67 miles to a gallon, or, the moon is inhabited by six foot beings…run from these false prophets; if you will, I will show you "The Way".

Egotistical as that may sound, it’s not. Since I‘ve gained the knowledge of the truth I have come to be able to know when others know it or not. Mostly it’s not!

If you’ve read my blog up to here, then I know you have experienced the thrill of insight. I also know that if you move to walk in “The Way" of repentance you will gain the understanding that you can never lose! This is the knowledge that will allow the elite of God’s chosen to know the anti-Christ when he appears on the scene spouting his lies to sound like an angel of righteousness!!!

But if you have just read my words of sharing, of teaching and done nothing to apply it to your life, then a lot of what I say will sound boastful, egotistical and you will soon discontinue reading this blog. You, you will think, have better things to do than read this, and you can read the bible for yourself.

Yes you can. Then perhaps you can read I Cor. 14:22 and tell yourself what does it mean when Paul says: “prophecy is for believers.”?? And prophecy comes from those so gifted.

According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are over 34,000 different Christian doctrine teaching churches, when we should only have one true belief and mind of understanding.

It’s taken me over 25 years to become able to know “The Way” of Jesus and be able to share it with the authority of assurance that is founded on proof of “increasing measure.” My faith is no longer blind! My hope in not in an empty tomb. My obedience is not to a written commandment of the Ten Commandments. My belief is not tossed to and fro’ by every wind of doctrine. My repentance is not an exercise of will power to resist. My love is not determined by my emotional instability, or conditions. I have your best interests at heart. “Here”, I give you as I am enabled, a leg of reason undisputable, to stand on in the teaching of God. Elsewhere, I give as my plans become fruitful.

I hope you choose to benefit by it. Till next time, In Him, J.J.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

continuing works by J.J.

Entry #9

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Being homeless has its blessings…a couple days ago, while my girl friend was laying down and I was writing in my blog journal a guy from across the street called out to me and gave me a Styrofoam container with a piece of chicken and some fries, then not even 30 minutes later another guy gave some leftover food that he and his party couldn’t eat.

Other times people drive by and stop and offer us a small bag lunch with water in a bottle.
Blessings gladly received and often far between, but still a pleasure. If you aren’t homeless like some of us, you actually don’t see as many of the kind acts that are done by your average looking person. Even certain food lines are a pleasure simply because the workers are so nice and smile warmly at you.

But I am also saddened by it all because I know that practically all of them don’t know “The Way” of our Lord Jesus. But I praise God who says: “These three remain faith, hope and love but the greatest is love.” (I Cor. 13.)

Love is the greatest because faith expresses itself through love. (Gal. 5:6) and hope is established by love. (I John 3:2-3)

Because of that I’m certain God will be merciful in judgment. But we still need to be born-again. And the love we share is meant to be God’s Agape Love. Yet who can say the lord our God will not give the spirit of God to the person that does not know him but does the things worthy of him? I believe there’s verse that says he will. Only, what if these kind people heard of Jesus and God the Father and rejected him even though they do loving acts?

Then, I’m afraid that they will not gain an entrance into heaven. It’s like this girl I met on the bus the other day. She was a nice person, friendly and aware, but when I talked about our Lord Jesus and God the Father she flat out told me she doesn’t mess with Christianity. At first I thought it was because she was Jewish but after more talking she showed she wasn’t even a strong Jewish believer. Turns out her reasons for rejecting Jesus were because she was gay. And because of the strong anti-Jesus movement by gay people, bills are trying to be passed that makes any preacher who preaches the bibles anti-homosexual message, into a crime of hate.

So much hate for Jesus and the Way of love and truth as taught in the bible. Is the love in a same sex relationship the same as the love that is greater than faith and hope? NO! But then neither is the love from a heterosexual relationship either! But at least it’s not condemned in the bible. It, whether it be epithurmia, Eros, phileo, or storgee, it is not the Agape love that we all need to know.

Agape is God’s love. It involves not transgressing against God. His commandments and ways are given to bring us into oneness with him.

If the Jews knew God’s love they would not have crucified Jesus. If the Catholics knew God’s love they would not have had the inquisition. If we knew God’s love we would not have all the pain and tragedy in the world we have today.

In the after-life when we will become a new creation with powers, immortality, perfect health and loving hearts, life will be unimaginably wonderful. And believe me I can imagine some pretty wonderful things.

There won’t be marriage, probably not even sex, though I can’t imagine that. No strife, worries, hunger, fear or loneliness, or homelessness. Why will it be so grand and why do I know it will be? Simply because in my move to repent and find more of God’s love and truth to live in, I have proven it increases with the choosing, even as the bible says it does. So I know that what I now know in part; in heaven, I will know fully.

And so I come back full circle to the sadness I feel for others, some of whom do many kind works, and I reach out to them to try and comfort, strengthen, and encourage them with a word of sharing that can help them to see the author of their kind love has a name and that name is God the Father revealed through Jesus his only begotten son. And hopefully they will gain some of the assurance that believing gives and stop hating the creator of all life and goodness.
Till next time,

In Him, J.J.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

continuing works by J.J.

Entry #8

Hello everyone.

Most people tend to respect the well dressed preacher, and perhaps even want to see their preacher dressed in the best clothes. Some in the churches even think that fine clothes are a fruit of the spirit and show God’s favor. But don’t you believe it. Fruits of the spirit, listed in the New Testament book of Galatians 5:22-24 all seem to be changes of a persons “Being”: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Do you see anything about clothes? You don’t have to be a stick in the mud and dress in rags but then dressing good isn’t a requirement of Christian living either. But what is Christian living really like?

Today I want to talk about invention ideas. I have a few ideas that if I could make them and sell them I could make a lot of money, (kings “x). Hopefully I could make a lot of money and then I’d have enough to build my church-club, and do many great works.

So, if anyone reading this blog has the ability to take an idea to the next level, development, marketing, sales, patents…by all means get in touch with me through the comment page.

My first idea is the building of a “security cubicle” for businesses that greet the public and sale high cost items: Jewels, watches, etc.etc.

I notice some of these places have “buzz-in” doors. Let’s give them some added security of a security cubicle. Once secure in the cubicle they can access communications and hidden built-in Tazers. For this idea I need a company that specializes in Kevlar formations.

Idea #2. The “Singles Mate Finder.” An electronic gizmo that is programmable from a personality questionnaire and works to find you a compatible mate that also wears one.
This would be a great idea for “”, a singles connection that tries to find you a compatible match. The trick here though is to sell the product in high traffic places within the cities targeted.

Idea #3. For Disney World or the like. A new amusement ride that takes the patron to another world via a wormhole.

Idea #4. To any electric company or any university that teaches electrical engineering; An Electrical generating Plant that produces clean cheap electrical energy. In theory it works, build it full scale and teach the class at the same time. If it works, market the cheap energy.

Idea #5. Clean up the air in the big cities or industrial cities of the world. This is a product that is mass produced and companies that buy the package are making a statement: “I care for the air we breath.” Think green!! This package requires a maintenance team and disposal of pollutants along with city cooperation. This is a job generating industry that is needed for the resulting clean air and a help to the job market. Are you listening to this Obama? I submitted the idea to your web-site “” but have had no inquiries to date. Let’s get with it. You say you want to clean up the air and get more jobs on the market; well this is a good reason for doing it.

Idea #6. A new design for a cooking pot that would be useful and unique in design.

Idea #7. An office supply product that removes the repetitious marking and erasing of certain data, or used as a hard back-up for a computer program.

Idea #8. A new design proposal for any company that makes bearings. This idea will be worth its gate in gold once it catches on.

Idea #9.
How about a treatment for a great movie idea? An HBO special feature
maybe called "Cold Fury"...This story line has it all: tragedy, science, deviancy, and a happy ending.

Anyone interested in helping make these ideas come to life, please contact me. The whole idea here is clearly I’m looking for help. Do you want to make a donation? Go to Pay-Pal and make one to me at or spread the word of these ideas. But here’s another idea to think about…a preacher or a prophet does not have to be a stick in the mud. Christians can be entrepreneurs’, dreamers, inventors, laborers. So, in your Christian love, give to everyone the courtesy of your kindness and help if you can. Partnership for a better tomorrow.
Make life work for you and others. That’s how a Christian life is lived. Till next time.

In HIM, J.J.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #7
Hello again. Good morning Shia, good morning Oprah, good morning readers; pleasant day to you all. I must say that I am really surprised that only two comments have been posted for me to give answer to. I would have thought that many of you would have asked several questions concerning the Christian faith. Come on; don’t be afraid to ask. If I can’t answer any question I’ll let you know.

It’s day seven, or I should say entry number seven and I’ve introduced “The Way” to you as you have probably determined to be the way of repentance.

It’s an interesting word. In the churches it is often taught to be a “confession” – “Father forgive me my sins, teach me your ways so that I may walk with you all the years of my life…”

That’s a confession folks, and just because it shows your desire to repent, in itself it is still a confession. And when the church leader reads from Isaiah 55:1-7 and attempts to tell you that turning away from your sin 180 degrees is repenting like you have accepted to do in your confession…well he’s right; “IF” you were repenting according to Isaiah, but you are not!

In the Old Testament that’s all they could do, turn away from sin, resist it and follow the Ten Commandments. They did not yet have the promise of receiving the Holy Spirit that could only be given in a new birth of spirit “AFTER” the death and resurrection of Jesus.

In the New Testament a new word is given for repentance, and it has a new meaning. The word is: Metanoeo. And it means: “to reconsider your sin from a divine viewpoint of thought, will, and emotion and choose to submit to the way of God.”

And if you will notice in I Cor. Chapter 2: 15-16 we are told to “put on the mind of Christ Jesus.” This in the Amplified bible is revealed as being: “the thought, will and emotion of Jesus!”

It’s not hard, if we continue looking under the reasons we do wrong for the love of God alternatives and continue choosing to submit to them we will in effect be “transformed” to knowing the mind of Christ since he and God The Father are one!

All that turning away from sin and doing the Ten Commandments is Old Testament stuff. We’re under New Testament rules of Grace.

If you repent as I have shown you the way how, you will grow even as you choose, increasingly of God’s Love; “For what ever commandment there may be, is summed up in love. For love does no harm to its neighbor.”

Understand me now! Yes, we are to resist sin, but only as we attempt to uncover the reasons for it and “see” the loving and truthful alternatives to submit to. Once we submit we no longer need to resist because we have learned to replace sin.

Resistance without an increase of knowledge, self-control (thru submission to the knowledge of God’s love and truth), perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love…then all you’ve done is exercise your will power and you will fall down.

Now you will fall down even as you walk in “The Way”, but then you will know to pick yourself up and keep on with your determination to repent. To ask yourself: “why do I do the wrong I do?” and find the way of love to do instead until you no longer need to do the sin.

There is a difference, which is why proverbs 24 says ‘a righteous man falls seven times, but an evil man falls into mischief.’

We can take a break. Listen, it’s not a hard thing to do, that what I share how to do with you; but perhaps you would like to read from a list of my articles, one that appeals to you. Such as: In Relation, The Way, error of Christianity; but also: Booze: the lure the cure, Spiritual Strength, Tips on effective prayer, The story of Barabbas, Love, The rebuttal to the two raptures, Jesus is coming soon, and many others. As mentioned in the earlier entry, you can get these stories and others from my book at You can get the book at: Or you can get my earlier book: “God’s Prisoner” at:

Again, I caution you on reading “God’s Prisoner” (even though it’s bound to become a classic), it is a HARD REALITY CHECK using the fictional character of a born-again ex-felon as the good guy. This book is not for the squeamish!

Till next time, take care. J.J.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #6
I’d like to digress for a second and give an example of walking in the spirit and the truth…
In the Union Tribune Sat. may 9th, 2009 edition, feature editorial writer Chris Reed’s opinion of Americas finest blog, He mentions the “appalling inexplicability of Oprah Winfrey’s actions of allowing the “ranting” of show biz nit wit Jenny McCarthy to continue her “quest” on her show; being as how “innocent” kids could die!
We know where you stand Chris, keep on with your quest of informing your readers with the news on Oprah…to me, I think the public eye should approve of the private eye on the stage of life. It shows a noble and blessed result of a caring heart, yet still, a heart that can see this, would be blessed to see the right to judge from oneself, that such an incident of action can happen a possible two ways at oblique angles, that could be seen as having a better way to be: That of, we all have a child in us and we all need to learn from our mistakes no matter how much responsibility has attached to us! Let’s learn to look at the big picture…It’s really a better picture.

Oprah? Have you been listening with your ears on? An “unflattering” picture has been expressed concerning you. You can try to ignore Mr. Chris Reed, Feature Editorial writer at the Union Tribune newspaper and blog site; which would signify a larger than expected problem in you personal life,
Knowing what people are saying about your actions, and forming an answering opinion within your own mind, or in the company of friends who hear’s all the “How dare He’s.” is normal.
But clearly all he’s doing is giving you a “wake-up” call. Much like we are given
in the bible, to wake up from our slumber in the walk with our dear Lord Jesus.
Perhaps Mr. Chris Reed would agree with me that you could benefit from hiring a public relations expert…Right? Well maybe a little, one that can make the announcement that Oprah has moved to repair what needs to be repaired!

Oprah, Mr. Reed is hoping you will re-evaluate your past actions so as to gain awareness of a better way to be, since your actions have been “inexplicable” to him.
Either fix it or explain it! Here’s the thing: if your actions “appear” to someone else as “unloving (and these do because some child may get hurt,) then you need to either fix it or explain the more important need for the Love of God to be exposed.

If you are unable to use the words of the “Hidden Wisdom” of Christ Jesus to champion your actions in an explanation to Mr. Reed, and possibly to all of his fans/readers who agree with him, then I can only say, I hope you will become a devoted follower of my sharing of the doctrine teaching “The Way” in this blog as I share it with my readers.

Dear readers, it is my hope that my blog comforts, strengthens, and encourages you to step true to the Lord our God and savior, Jesus Christ.

I’m just a poor, white, homeless, senior citizen that grew up making more than my share of the mistakes in life. Then I found God and Jesus and the Holy Spirits gift of salvation and oneness with God was given to me. Then later, about 6 months, I was lying down in my jail cell reading the Bible that my spiritual sister Wilma Walsh of “Willi of Calif.” gave to me to read and as I read this certain bible verse I received the gift of prophecy.

I read this verse and all of a sudden something “real” clicked off of my eyes and fell onto my bed with a “thump”. I was quite astonished and yet, saw nothing on my bed. But when I began to read the bible again, the last verse I read, being re-read to continue on, had a new and different meaning than the one I was given, in church and by certain pastors. I now saw what it truly meant. From that day on in 1980, it took over 26 more years for the message of understanding in the spirit of truth to come into focus and I was set free when it did.

Can a dog return to his vomit? Sure, but I’ve 26 years under the belt of truth, and love to stand on. I believe in it without question and I choose to live in “The Way, the truth and the life” in Christ Jesus. And having matured, as I shall continue to grow, I can share it with you.

Oprah, here’s another article for you from my book: “The Authorized Book of Short Christian Stories” It is meant to give women a wake-up call and arouse with-in them the desire to seek out the true teaching from a true prophet. I hope you like it…you can get the book at: Or you can get my earlier book: “God’s Prisoner” at:
I caution you on reading “God’s Prisoner” even though it’s bound to become a classic, because it is a HARD REALITY CHECK using the fictional character of a born-again ex-felon as the good guy. This book is not for the squeamish!

Till next time, take care. J.J.

"Works by J.J."

“The head of woman is man and the head
Of man is Jesus Christ.”
(I Cor. 11:3)

This is scriptural, but let me tell you something; although true when all things are spiritually defined, things haven’t been spiritually defined for ages!
A possible mention of this spiritual condition spoken of in the bible, is found in Acts 16:14-15…A certain woman named Lydia, whose heart the Lord opened, so that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul; And in answer to the apostle’s need of lodging was able to constrain him, and his group, to stay at her home by facing them with the wisdom of the spirit, saying, “If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there.”
The depths of meaning here is huge, but let’s give it a brief reality…Lydia was of a MEEK spirit, capable of being taught the way of God, and accepting it in her life.
In its wisdom she was able to shrug off the worldly expectation of virtue that would never permit a man to sleep under her roof unless it be in matrimony. Instead, her virtue was cherished in the love of the Lord to offer unto a servant of the Lord the needed comforts. Thus providing more than lip service to the verse: “But speaking the truth in love, {that we} may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” Eph. 4: 11-16.
The problem of this is the men of today are not in tune with the knowledge of the Son of God in the spiritual sense. And because of this, for the women of today to be MEEK in her submission to man is a gross error of judgment!
I should also draw your attention to the false wisdom of certain men, who prey on the woman’s inner need to find a man of truth, love and wisdom. (Warned of in the bible.)
Those false men who talk of “observations” and “human reactions”, mixed with biblical record, (such as the verse we opened up with,) all just to “appear” wise and knowing; but who’s solutions leave you feeling insecure and confused, in which, you gladly give up your individuality and independence, to let him be your guide and your conscience.
From such a player, who laughs when you laugh and is manipulative in his comments and sexual innuendos…RUN FROM HIM! You are better off being alone and lonely than in his clutches!
So; In relation to the truth, where does the woman turn to for her words of knowledge and guidance into the understanding of the things of God and of life?
Rarely in the church. With over 34,000 different doctrines being given in the churches, the evidence is clear: you won’t hear the answers there! And yet, you will find it written there!
The Bible! In it you can be enabled to see the straight of it all. Go back to Eph. 4: 11-16 and read the earlier verses… “And He (God) gave some, apostles, and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love…”
It’s in there! The task is, how do we get it out? First, let me say this: it’s not mans fault that he has failed to come into “The unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God;” considering verses found in Isaiah 30: 20, 21 and Jeremiah 3:15 we seem to see that God purposely hid the teachers that are to teach us how to walk in “The Way” so that they can make their appearance in these end-times! We are not to question God’s reason for doing this, but the reason is clear to one who knows of the way. That reason is: because discipling is more time consuming than converting.
The beauty of the way is it does not require understanding to be saved. That is given when God weights the heart and tries its reins and finds the sincere heart. The discerned understanding that we are told to find follows as we walk in the way. But mostly it’s prevented by satans confused teachings of false doctrines that only serve to satisfy our itchy ears.
Yet, the gospel is preached and it retains the power to reach into our hearts and cause us to identify the true longing of our hearts.
Because of this and God's promise found in Romans 10:9-10; churches have given birth to many more born-again Christians than would have been made possible if our time was spent on discipling rather than conversions, and satan would have quickly debased all the world, bringing us to an end that much sooner.
With this now in mind, read Isaiah 30:20-21 and see that the teachers will soon be revealed, even now, that are to teach us How to walk in The Way. Which is the same as saying: How to walk in the spirit of Christ Jesus; for Jesus is: “the way, the truth and the life”.
It needs now to be said, how we walk in Christ, having his thoughts, will and emotions become ours in faith and in knowledge.
If you were to witness the person given to teach "The Way" will you be MEEK and learn from him? That is the question you must ask yourself.
Space and time prohibits this sharing now. But should you request to hear a prophet's word and receive him you shall receive a prophet's reward; (Matthew 10:41) you will grow in the fruits of the spirit; (Galatians 5:22) you will be sure and certain of your calling and election; (II Peter 1:3-11) you will have a closer relationship with your heavenly Father; (Ephesians 4:17-19) All of which makes for a stronger marriage and personal relationship.
It is important that women learn "The Way", men are meant to teach it but aren't. Women who learn it can influence the men of the world to begin to learn it. Let the unity begin!!
Behind every good man is a good woman! The growth of a man's strength of understanding and compassion, Joined with an "Understanding" woman's strength of emotion and commitment- makes for a better world with Jesus at the helm! Now in love and truth, Then in person!
No longer will the deceitful be able to confuse you and mislead you. And when satan appears as an "angel of righteousness" to lead the world into captivity, every follower of The Way will know he's a fake! How? Simple! He is a liar! The father of lies, and there is no truth in him. But Jesus is the man of truth! His Way teaches us to be men and women of truth. Knowing God's love! Acknowledging his Truth.
Satan will tell you to love God, Be at peace with all men, repent and be baptized...BUT He won't show you how!! His way will have the blind leading the blind! We already have over 34,000 churches doing that! (According to the World Christian Encyclopedia.)
The true teachers will say: "This is the way, walk in it." A very simple way it is too! "learn from me." saith the lord. "for my yoke is light and easy to carry."
Walk in the way and the light in the scriptures will come alive for you. I pray you will seek out a true teacher of the way. Chances are he will be a man, capable of teaching the MEEK. In Him, J.J.

(a word from the author: If you read this and feel it is true but incomplete, you would be right. It was originally written for a woman's magazine with the purpose of giving them a wake up call in the hope they would want to hear more on "The Way". If you want to hear more of "The Way", you need but go to it as the first of these articles on this authors web page.)

Monday, July 20, 2009


Say friends,

Because I hope to share the good news of the Bible does not mean I can't share the good news of having a supporter. Expences being hard and heavy, when I can get someone to help support me by your request for their help, telling them that J.J. sent you, then we create a bond. Hopefully someday bigger things will be done and you might get to benefit from it too. That is my hope, along with joining together with my brother's and sisters in Christ Jesus.

I'm looking for some followers that can grow in the faith such that I know they are true to the brotherhood of Christ; and once known entreat them to join with me to make it better all around including with them.

1.) :
If you need to start a business and want to incorporate as a non-profit org., then contact this place or call 1-407-857-9002 and go to extention 120 Tell Myna Averio that J.J. sent you and if you avail yourself of their services I'll make a small amount that will help especially if others are added in on this page and called upon also.
2.) Centre City sports:
A rare place to buy all the sports memoribilia you need, and next door his brother runs an awesome music store. These are good people. I use to have a post box with them, as they rented them out; and I went away, involuntarily, and while I was unable to pay for my mail, they were good to hold it for me for when I could pick it up. Because of that I hope they are ever successful in life. They are located on 6th street between "c" st. and Broadway in San Diego. Tell them J.J. sent you. (The big tall red headed guy.) smile.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #5

Before I get going on this new entry to my continuing blog, I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone out there reading my blog a chance to have your pressing questions answered on matters of the Christian faith. So feel free to ask me that question that you have bugging you to no end and the churches can’t seem to answer to your satisfaction, and I will give it my best shot

In entry number 4 you were given the practical exercise of asking yourself what the reasons were for doing what you no longer wish to do. The bible says that if we do what we don’t want to do, that it is no longer us doing it but sin that does it which liveth in me. Here’s what that means:
The word sin has two meanings: 1.) Missing the mark. 2.) Falling short of the mark.
When we are sinners not yet saved by the new birth of God’s Holy Spirit, we are considered “missing the mark.” The mark of spiritual perfection. Yet when we are born-again and our natural spirit is transformed by God’s Holy Spirit we are now perfect in spirit because it is now God’s spirit that lives in us urging us to do what is good and pleasing in God’s sight. This urging comes in the form of experiencing pleasure and joy in that which is good. (Of God.) “Only God is good.”

Thus God is in all things good and pleasing to our soul, which is now the unity of God’s spirit and our body. Only the problem is we still have the yearnings of a sinful body, supported by the mind conditioned to living in sinful practices. Hence, though we now want to live at the urging of God’s spirit we still want to enjoy the pleasures, riches and/ or worries of sin; wherein the bible tells us that our flesh is at war with the spirit.

Now understand this…when we try to resist sin by stopping it, we will soon fall back into it because we haven’t learned to see and submit to God’s loving and truthful alternatives to the reasons we have for why we choose to sin. To resist sin, to try and do the good that any book says we need to do, and that includes the Bible, is all the sin that falls short of the mark. Since most misunderstand the bible anyway.

The reason is, because we haven’t searched our own minds excuses for doing sin and thus haven’t found God’s loving and truthful alternatives to those reasons so that we can choose to submit to God’s way instead of our own way of resisting from sheer willpower.
We have not yet been, “transformed by the renewing of our mind.”

Now understand this: Most Important!!! Would you rather “submit” to the way of love and truth found as the alternative choices available for your reason for committing sins? Or “submit” to doing what any book tells you to do; even if the book is the Bible?

Do you see the difference? To do what the bible says to do is an impersonal submission that has no understanding of the reasons why you sin, other than they are carnal in nature. God is still: Out there watching over you.

On the other hand to “submit” to the revealed loving and truthful alternatives that you found in your questioning of repentance to your reasons for sin makes it personal. God is found within you in “increasing measure” as you do the loving and truthful ways that have always been there, for you to find and rejoice in submitting to. Now you are being transformed! Where in submission through resistance you are just learning to be stubbornly blind and ignorant. And doomed to failure because when you are weakest, the sin will re-surface. All you did was bury it under the strength of your will power.

If you can see this MAJOR difference then you can also see that the best teaching is that which teaches us how to overcome sin by transformation rather than by blind faith.

Blind faith is what you learn in church, not what you learn in the bible. Yet if you do not establish your walk in “The Way” of repentance and transformation you will not know how to see the lie of the church’s teachings. Nor will you be able to help your brother “cast the speck out of his eye.”

The churches preach from the bible but they misinterpret it. Some twist it so bad that it is easy to see their cults doctrine. Others are more subtle and use a lot of stories and a lot of oratory to arouse your emotion and blind you to accepting their doctrine which supports blind faith, blind obedience, love from human effort, an empty hope based on an empty grave, and a false repentance that is more of a confession than true repentance. The six key concepts that the churches of the world are mis-teaching you today!

Don’t worry about that, believe it or not all of their false teachings will serve to prove to you the one truth that they don’t teach. Just remember the joy of understanding you felt when you first saw the way of transformation. Remember that and move to continue in your own personal transformation. Write it down! “Why do I do the wrong I don’t want to do?” Find your answers, then make those answers into questions too and answer them…on paper! Example: “Why do I drink so much?” (Possible answer: “I drink to be bold.”) “Why do I need to be bold?” “Because I’m lonely.” “Why am I lonely?” “I have no lover.” “What’s stopping me from having one?”
Do you see how transformation happens? The answers reveal where you can choose to change, whether it be by changing a personal characteristic developed through misunderstanding…Are you really so unlovable? Or are you believing a lie that someone gave to you? Do you need a better paying job or need to lose weight or change something about yourself?

Through all of the growing in self awareness is the growing of loving responses that we choose to do when we can, until they are a part of us and we learn to love even when we think we have no one to love. We soon see how it is that we come to know God’s love and become able to believe in Jesus who made it possible for us to know Gods love. (Luke 10:22, John 17:25-26).

Read these verses and SEE its God’s love that Jesus reveals to us. SEE that we don’t see Jesus but we see God (by His Love) through Jesus. OUR FAITH TO BELIEVE IS ESTABLISHED!!!

This is scriptural…James 4:1-8 begins… “What causes fights and quarrels amongst you? Do they not come from the desires that rage within? You want something but don’t get it, you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God, and when you do ask, you ask amiss so that you may spend what you get on your PLEASURES…”

And in Luke chapter 8 Jesus tells us that it is the lust for the WORRIES, RICHES, AND/OR PLEASURES that keep us from becoming mature.

That’s what I just taught you about in the bible: How to overcome the worries, riches and/or pleasures of our sinful desires.

When you see why you do your sin, know the reasons/motives for why you do them, then God can give you the gift of the Holy Spirit so you can choose to acknowledge the Truth in your desire to accept the responsibility for living in Love and Truth as your chosen way of wanting to live like and in! You will then easily be able to accept the scriptural truth taught by Jesus and his apostles: “First, cast the plank out of your own eye, and then, you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

You will be speaking from experience, from a possibly born-again viewpoint of understanding of the same way you learned to question the motive of your sin that you don’t like to do… “The good I want to do, I do not do, but the bad I don’t want to do I do! What a wretched man I am; who will rescue me from this body of death…”

Who? Jesus will rescue us. How? By revealing the increase of God’s love as we look for the reasons and look intently for the perfect low of love in the alternatives! See them? Choose to do them until they become a part of you. Transformed by the renewing of your mind! Renewed in spirit, renewed in understanding, knowing beyond any doubt that it is a universal truth that we can all “REPENT” and choose to find the love of God that has always been there just beneath the vain, boastful, envious, rude, self-seeking self! Renewed in confidence, renewed in attitude and assurance, renewed in ever increasing love! You have become one of God’s chosen yet that’s just the icing on the cake. The part I like is that you get to walk with God in the present in increasing measure till the full part measure of our faith is matched; until we know it in the fullness of Christ Jesus.

Is that all there is? No! Not by a long shot. There’s more to come. Till next time…

In Him,