Friday, September 25, 2009
Continuing Works by J.J.
Hello everyone!
Life goes on doesn’t it? Whether your mate leaves you, (tho’ you think they will be back when they come to their senses), or a loved one in your family passes away; life goes on.
I’ve read verse in the bible that has Jesus say that if you love your “family” more than you love him, you are not worthy of him. We can consider this as an admonition to look beyond death, to the Eternal Heaven. We can mourn, but sometimes that takes a terrible price to pay, like when we say to ourselves, “I no longer have a reason to live!”
A moment please…
The anguish, the emptiness, the unfairness of it all. We take a deep breath. Maybe not today, the day it passed over to your shoulders to carry such a load as grief, sadness, sorrow, guilt…but perhaps on a day ahead.
We take a deep breath, and realize life goes on, and we are either with it or…NO OR’s!!! Life goes on. Some live up to a memory of life, being strong as “they” would approve. Some build a trust in memory of. And some carry on without a clue as to what happens next.
In the verse I brought up, to carry on in the service of our Lord Jesus is what is called for. That doesn’t mean going to church seven days and nights a week, doing penance or imaginary feats of legerdemain. It simply means to continue to live in and for the Love and Truth of God. Bettering yourself by walking in repentance of your sins motives, and growing in your maturity of understanding so as to prepare for the good works that in all honesty you want to do anyway!
In fact, isn’t it true that if the one you’re in mourning for, were to still be here, and were to say to you, “It’s either me or your precious Jesus, make your pick!” wouldn’t you choose Jesus!? Well, I would. So for me, I’d experience the pain of loss, but my works for Jesus, (which are just as much for myself since my whole life has been in preparation to do them,) goes on.
Life goes on…God is love but God is also life! Jesus is: “The Way, The Truth and The Life.” CHOOSE- LIFE my friend, so we are entreated by our Lord Jesus, so as to comfort yourself in helping those that still live and are in need of saving. Even if most of them don’t know it or care for it as you might express it.
Of course I’m talking in behalf of the true teachers of God’s Way in Jesus. What do I care about those false teachers that think they must be willing to die for a Jesus they have “no reason” to believe in.
But I do care! I care that any person can be so confused about the word of God in Jesus, as to be a “fanatic” for Christ. I can barely reach them with the truth. God is love and truth, and vengeance as well as justice is His! Not ours! We are not called to be judge, jury and executioner. We cannot justify our actions that bring harm to another as an interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus. God can save the most debase of persons. If you kill the sinners who can God show his mercy on?
Now, you may think; that you are not such a fanatic, but look at your fears…do you fear the prisons will release a sexual predator? Do you vote to punish them for their entire life? Oh but you are!
In my book: “God’s Prisoner” I try to show you that the basest of persons can be saved and do great things if they are given a chance. But I’ve seen the laws that are being passed; I’ve heard the bitterness of persecution. We, as a nation are no longer a forgiving nation.
Do you even care to wonder why? Then I’ll tell you: it’s because as a nation, we don’t know how to come to God in love and truth. We have come to him in blind faith and life’s problems have made us bitter. Yes bitter! Would God allow war? Would God allow child abuse? Would God allow hunger?
In his kingdom – NO! He wouldn’t, but his kingdom is yet to come, right now this is our kingdom being shared with satan and it is we who commit such atrocities.
What do we care about President Obama’s lawyers whom he’s paid two million dollars to hide his birth certificate…what do we care that he supports the thugs of A.C.O.R.N…what do we care that his maternal grandmother swears he was born in her presence in Kenya…. We are a nation of losers, who need hope and we are so tired of the B.S. of past government, that we hope the B.S. of today’s government can make it all better. After all He wrote the book…right?
But it won’t get better. It can’t get better. It’s all going to collapse and we are all going to suffer in the times ahead; so it is written. BUT…we, as individuals, in a group or alone, can do things to relieve the condition we are in. we can prepare. And for that we need God’s Word and Spirit in our lives. We need to listen to the teachers of God’s Way! Because no matter how much you like to do things alone and by yourself, this end-time preparation will need the help of as many as can see the need for it. It’s a group effort that is needed.
I am not saying this out of megalomania or psychosis; I am stating a fact. We need such a leader. We are a nation that loves a hero. Eisenhower was a president hero. John F. Kennedy was a president hero…our movies are about them, our books reveal them.
And, in the end times the Bible says our world leader will be a likened unto a hero, at least until he digs in and becomes the anti-Christ. And so we come back full circle to the teaching of the true teaching prophet who will reveal how to know the anti-Christ’s. Yet the teachers will be rejected, neglected, and abused, but will still strive to reach out to us in the teaching of God’s loving and truthful Way.
It’s past time to wake-up and begin making wise decisions. I’m sure there are other true teachers of “The Way” of God’s Righteousness, even if I don’t see them. Soon, I hope, they will see this blog and offer me their help and support. God knows I could use it, but for now, life is a struggle. It gets better, sometimes it gets worse but I will never lose sight of the author and the finisher of my faith. I only wish I could help you all find the same comfort, strength and encouragement in “The Way” of God.
I appreciate your comments, but I am saddened by your silences afterwards. I am always waiting for you to ask questions. To seek answers out. Once I had intensive daily conversations of about an hour or so, that lasted for a couple months before being able to bring enlightenment to a friend and brother in Christ Jesus. Thank-you Jesus! The bible offers a hint that it takes a person 41.6 years to come into the understanding focus of The Way, but I know that you can come to know it sooner “IF” you have a teaching prophet to lead you in the right direction.
I’m here for you, but it’s time to start reading the Bible and making tracks. Till we meet again,
In God’s Love, J.J.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Continuing works by J.J.
Entry #15
I feel pretty good tonight. I now have my car insurance and don’t need to worry about being stopped and towed. Yesterday was a big day too! I installed a solar panel for the battery and fixed up an inverter to jump 12 volts up to 110. But I really want to do more than work on my motor home….
I really want to do well with my Health Plan ‘MB3P’; a low cost health care that grows large will be able to do great things…
A Christian city or community is my dream. Not like other Christian cities that are only Christian in name, where every business raises its prices to take advantage of you. I want to give you an example: I was looking through a magazine that caters to the entrepreneur and this one ad was offering a sign. It was inflated and had a slogan along its tall length. It sold for about $400.00. A short while later I saw the same sign for sale in a Christian magazine and it sold for close to $500.00.
That’s not the way we Christians should do things. The Christian sign ought to be either the same price or lower! Perhaps a slightly higher price if it was an affiliate offer.
In my city or community I want to pay the taxes, earn a living and pass on the savings. I don’t want to charge high rents which make it hard for business.
Let’s have solar powered buildings, water tanks and a clean ethic. But in order for this to work out we need to be of the one mind of Christ Jesus.
“Let him who wants to lead be a servant.” That’s me! When I was in prison in Texas I took over the leadership of one of the work squads and made two rules: nobody fights without my permission and nobody pays protection.
When we hit the fields to work I kept everyone even with me and I took it slow so no one would get out of place. No pushing, no shoving, no threats, no favoritism.
I did such a good job making that squad shine that my field boss wrote me up an “Exceptional Good Work Report”. “And my squad? Well let me say this, when a new guy came on the block and threatened me that he was taking over my squad, five of my squad members stood up for me and intervened without any word from me.
They were a gang that appreciated my leadership. I’ve led bible studies; I’ve been made team captain for school yard games of kickball or other sports. I’ve been liked and hated. Those that hated me did so because of ego. I stood up for the underdog. I’ve protected the weak and had a kind word of greeting for those that nobody cared for. I cared. Why? Because I knew how he felt. And in time, God gave me a special gift of prophecy. To use to comfort, strengthen and encourage the church of brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. For close-on 30 years elapsed. I learned by the same process we all have to learn; even as Paul: The Apostle went through… “the good I want to so I do not do but the bad I don’t want to do I do. What a wretched man I am who will rescue me from this body of sin? Thanks be to God through Christ Jesus.” Yes, we are all to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God. Jesus made it possible for us to grow because before Jesus there was no Holy Spirit given by which men may be saved and that none shall be lost.” But then, that is why God gave us prophets, to lead us to the knowledge of God’s Righteousness. You don’t have to drink the water I might be able to lead you too, all I know is that if you don’t learn from me the truth that is in Jesus, as a knowledge we know firsthand and ever more intimately: Here’s how I see it, there are a host of possible scenario’s but the simple to see ones are: unsaved, or saved; blind or not blind to the word of knowledge of “The Way”; pretending you know it or serious about knowing your Lord in a for real tangible way!” if you said: I am looking for a real relationship with my Lord Jesus, and through Him a real relationship with God The Father; our true Father not a dad. Then, over the years I have learned that the best way to do that is share the doctrine of “The Way” with my godly family and help them to grow in the spirit. That’s not easy but, what else can I do?
You’re reading my blog, click on the comments and see how hard it is. Some like it, others don’t understand it and express their Christian beliefs in the same way that others who don’t understand, do.
What does it mean, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me?” it’s a true saying but how do you experience it?
Most, including the person who commented to me, probably believe that God, or Jesus will fill them with spiritual energy to be able to love others when they are weak. And in the mean time they continue to hold on to their belief by faith. Having done nothing except hope and become increasingly bitter over their inability to understand and be more expressive of the fruits of the spirit, and not experience any supernatural endowment from on high.
But that’ the end result: bitterness, before they get there they will become fanatical Christians, having NO REASON, for their beliefs other than a misunderstood belief in blind faith.
They will be bible thumpers that give the same blind teachings to others that they believe but fail to achieve any true meaning of. It’s kinda like the married woman who has an affair and tries to convince herself she must be in love to do it, or continue in her infidelity and adulterous relationship. And all they are doing is living a lie.
It’s the same with blind faith, only it’s believed that Jesus really loves you and will reward your blind faith with strength to live in; the love and fruits of the spirit IF they just hold onto that blind faith.
Sorry, it doesn’t work like that my friend. Faith does not grow by stubborn belief. You must find the way of love and truth beyond your reasons for sin and submit to it, abide in it until it becomes yours in understanding knowledge and a transforming change of being.
To do that means a continuing work of repentance, a work that the bible may hint at as taking about 41.6 years to accomplish on your own, AND Not a onetime confession you think was your one time repentance!
Folks, read my blog again. Read the teachings I share. Try to do it even though you don’t want to. It’s so much easier to have blind faith…break away! You can do it. Then join me in my efforts to build a true Christian community.
In Him,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Continuing works by J.J.
Entry #14
Wow! My lady and I had need of some money to transfer registration and so I tried and placed an ad to sell a mini fridge/freezer/microwave we had in storage. “$100.00 runs good and quiet. I then went to my email and checked for the confirmation e-mail, clicking to confirm. Then to eliminate some of the spam file. When I returned and refreshed my inbox there was what I thought to be a confirmation of the confirmation, but it turned out to be someone, namely the woman that bought it. That fast!
With a little help from savings we are now registered. Now to get the ticket kicked out….
Life finds its ways to keep you busy and scrambling to eke out an existence but you gotta love it. When you are trying to be a man of the family and life can be viewed in the realm of thought, will and emotion shared with our Lord Jesus; brother; savior; friend and the Word: God the Son.
I don’t know about you, but I love being “in the view” with Jesus but then I get out of bed and know the view won’t last much longer. But seriously, it doesn’t have to remain that way; we actually are supposed to GROW in our personal relationship with our Father in Heaven.
Check it out in your bible: Ephesians 4:17-24, and II Peter 1:3-11.
Paul sure believes in “Living in the view” He said so in so many words: ‘Why, who are you to judge me? You judge by human standards but I judge by spiritual standards, “for who may knoweth the mind of the lord that he may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ;” having his thought, will and emotions as our own in “increasing measure.”
Seriously folks, as I walk in the way of understanding I see so much of the false teachings of man trying to sound like they know the way of Jesus, but really don’t even have a clue. It’s really amazing to think that before I came into the understanding that we all get in The Way, I probably would have sat through those false teachings thinking that I must be dumb or something because I just don’t get it! Now I know they don’t get it! And unless they humble themselves to be meek (teachable) they will probably never get it.
If they are saved they will go to heaven as one “passing through the flame” they will lose certain of their rewards but they will know God and Jesus as Lord and Savior.
And if they could, they would rue the day that they missed out on knowing an abundance of God’s blessings before entering heaven!
Don’t be like these Christians who refuse teaching from anyone who claims to be a prophet, even though I Cor. 14:22 says: “Prophecy is for believers.” Just make sure he’s really a prophet! How can you tell? He has the reason to show you HOW TO COME TO GOD in Repentance. He will show you the substance and evidence of faith; he will teach you how to be obedient through submission and not by will power. He will show you how to believe in Jesus by proving his existence. He will show you where your hope in Jesus comes from and he will not ask you to believe without reason! You will understand how to test the spirit.
With these guidelines you will see that I am a prophet in truth. Now let’s get you going on the path of understanding so that you can do God’s will in all honesty. And you can experience God’s abundant blessings. Take care,
In Him,
Friday, September 4, 2009
Continuing Works by J.J.
Entry #13
I’ve had a few comments from a few readers, but where are the people who think they are Christians simply because they were given assurance that they were by the preacher they asked, if whether they were saved when they made their confession and sinners prayer, or not?
I haven’t heard from you yet…doesn’t it concern you that someone, (ME) is telling you that if you have to ask you are probably not saved? Or, why don’t you mind that I told you that the churches will be the ones persecuting the true Christian believers? Where are the angry mobs?
I’m sure that if I were to make such a statement in Israel or any of the Muslim countries, I would most likely be lynched. And while “we” American Christians, like to think we are above that type of behavior, the truth is we are not. Let some emotional type preacher stir up the hornets’ nest and watch out…we “goody-goody” Christians will go out and bomb abortion clinics, put pipe bombs in cars, or even picket a church that we were told was anti-Christ.
No, we are still just as animalistic as the “others”, but for the most part we are just snobbish know it all’s.
The other day I went to a Christian merchandise store that closed the store on Sundays and held church services. I talked to the lady that was there sweeping out the store and commented on the church and asked if they also had bible studies classes and if they ever had guest teachers? She answered by saying that she and the pastor taught the bible study classes.
So I put her to the test and asked her what was the “Hidden Wisdom” spoken of in I Cor. Chapter two? Her answer: “You tell me.” When I told her I would tell her after she told me she said, “The bible tells us not to get into debates about the word.”
Folks, if that sounds like something you would say, you would be just like her and in the wrong! A debate is not trying to change a person’s mind from misconception, but is rather trying to convince a person that their way is better. The difference is that “reasoning” (what she called a debate,) shows the error of a person’s way from a way that is proven true. A debate doesn’t try to show the errors of the way but the benefits of doing things their way. You can still believe what you want but you are asked to adopt the way of the debater because it is the most beneficial of the ways for all concerned.
When I told her that she was in the wrong for wanting to make me go first, she started acting self righteous and says things like: “I’m sorry you feel that way SIR.”; “Have a nice day SIR.”
Shut the door behind you, and don’t let it hit you in the arse on your way out…. Listen, the verse that she referred to does not say do not debate the bible, it says do not have foolish arguments about the bible. Reasoning is not foolish!
Paul used “reasoning” with king Felix in the book of acts…God used “reasoning” with Isaiah in the book of Isaiah. Reasoning is the trademark of all true Christians. Jesus told us not to make judgments based on only what you see. And he said prove me my sin! They couldn’t.
Yet we are to “Prove” the truth of the gospel. (John chap. 3) and it is hidden to those without the spirit. There is no church today teaching this hidden wisdom of Jesus Christ. So, it will and does bump heads with church taught doctrine. You are told: Blessed are the meek, (teachable)… but where are the teachable meek? The next day I walked past that same store/church and the male teacher was there, so I explained to him about the lady “teacher” and how I tried to put her to the test, and at the mention of the word “test” he stopped the conversation and said “End of conversation; you can’t test me.” He then clammed up and refused to tell me why I can’t test him, yet when I left he started in teaching the others that were there, (three of them,) and started to teach them about not letting themselves be tested. Saying, that you can never satisfy a testing person because they will always have an answer different than yours, and claim that you are in the wrong.
Perhaps, in the way of the world testers are like that, but the bible tells us to “Test the spirits.” I John 4:1 Why? So you can tell who the true prophets from the false prophets are. And folks…if a test can tell them apart then it stands to reason that you can’t be a teacher with a different teaching and claim that you are just teaching “at the place you are at in the spirit.” To be able to test the spirits you must have the same knowledge of understanding or you will always test wrong in comparison. So I was in the right to put them to the test, and they were wrong to refuse to be tested. That is why the bible tells us that you should be careful to call yourselves teachers for teachers will be judged more harshly. It’s a big responsibility that has been heavily abused in the churches; with over 34,000 different Christian doctrine teaching church’s teaching what “their itchy little ears want to hear” instead of the truth in Jesus.
Well wherever you are, you can stay there where you are at. But for those of you that have questions to find understanding, let’s hear from you!!!
If you have been told to avoid foolish arguments, then avoid them, but any “discussion” that seeks enlightenment in understanding is not foolish nor is it an argument. Even if we are opposed to each other’s belief, to reach an agreement one way or the other is a good thing!! We may never come into agreement of beliefs, (and we won’t as long as you will not walk in “The Way.”) I know that most beliefs contrary to the one-true belief are usually caused by misunderstanding the Christian faith.
“Do you believe that you can’t get into heaven unless you believe in Jesus?” They ask; and if I simply say yes, they reject the message of salvation. But believing is so much more than an inclination of favor…to really believe, according to the Greek word: pisteuo, means: to know, to trust, to be obedient to, to cling to.
To know: a confident assurance based on our increasing transformation in the mind of Christ given from the practice of repentance.
To trust: an act of faith that rests on the foundation of increasing love and truth found in our repentance.
To be obedient to: to submit to the way of love and truth found in our repentance, with a determination personalized by our commitment to walking in the way of righteousness. This is NOT a commitment to following the Ten Commandments. Yet if we are true to submitting to the love and truth found in our proper repentance we will be found to be “IN ACCORDANCE” to the commandments, for “whatever commandment there may be they are all summed up in the commandment of love for love does no harm to its neighbor.”
To cling to: a response of love and adoration given to our Lord for his many gifts of the spirit.
Without this fuller acknowledgement of believing, the word “believe” is empty of meaning and mistaken for an act of a simpleton. Yet so many “born-again” Christians think that believing without the substance and evidence of faith is what is meant when asked if they believe. Thus perpetuating the misunderstanding of true belief.
When true understanding is reached then the strongholds of a false belief are more readily apt to be re-considered and possibly changed.
Have you any questions, comments or contrary opinions to ask or share? Have others in your church discouraged you from asking? To hell with them! Let them pave their own road to destruction without dragging you along!!
Proverbs 2:1-5 tells us to cry aloud for knowledge and seek it as for hidden treasure! Go and take your shovel and dig for your treasures. How many holes must you dig before you find it? How many blisters will you have on your hands? I never said the love and truth of God was easy to find, only easy to look for! REPENTANCE!!!
The process of asking why you do the wrong that you do, to find the motives/reasons/excuses why you do wrong and seek out the loving and truthful alternatives that the Holy Spirit acknowledges and you submit to, is easy. Doing so until you become fruitful is dependent on your desire for freedom, love, truth, strength, real faith and determination. Yet if you are so easily persuaded from asking the questions you have, then you may end up as one of those who perish for lack of knowledge in the true faith. Sad!