Thursday, February 25, 2010

#20 continuing works by J.J.

“The Mis-guided Love of Amos Rundle”

“You should have seen it…Jason knocked Amos down and when Amos started running Jason pulled his gun and started shooting at him. Missed every time but boy did that Amos run like his feet was on fire.”
“No, no, no, you got it all wrong Jessy, I know cause I was there and heard and saw everything…
Jason and I were working on the barn when Amos drove up and called Jason out. When Jason heard Amos call him out saying, ‘Come on out Jason you double timing thief I’m going shoot you dead.’ Well, Jason stopped drilling the hole he was making with his drill and calmly walked out there to face Amos down; why he even carried his drill in his hand cause of his planin on coming back to work after talking to Amos, but ol’ Amos drew his six shooter and started waving it around and yelling at Jason saying, Jason done stole the love of the woman he was going to marry, only she wouldn’t marry Amos as long as Jason was alive cause she was in love with him; so he had it to do so as Beth would be free to marry him.
But Jason stood there just as calm as can be and when Amos done finished his tirade, Jason just took that drill and squatted down and drilled a hole in the ground. And when he was done he stood up and said to Amos, “Amos you may have a gun to shoot holes in me and you know it would take more holes than you got bullets to kill me and when you was done I’d knock you down and drill a hole just like that one in your head, then you and Elizabeth would be over and iffn I died after doing you in, Elizabeth would be alone and never marry nobody.”
Then Jason dropped the drill from his hand and when Amos looked down at it Jason done swung his fist and walloped Amos good and done took his gun from him.
Amos didn’t resist much being so dizzy and all from that wallop, but he knew his gun was gone and he froze like and then started to stutter sayin, “wait…wait…wait….” And then he turned tail and ran like the devil was chasing him and even slipped a couple times, which might have been a good thing cuz ol’ Jason was taking aim and every time Amos slipped, a bullet would shoot into the ground next to him and he’d get up damn fast and scurry on until he got in his car and drove away spinning his wheels and flinging dust every where so that Jason couldn’t get a good clean shot and instead put a couple holes in Amos’s windshield.
But Jason was just missin on purpose cuz down deep him and Amos was friends and Amos was gone so long a time that it was only natural that Elizabeth Stanton would want to marry Jason, having grown up with them two until Amos’s folks moved down to Newton Iowa to find work and Amos only being 14 at the time.
Before that, those three were like peas in a pod but I guess ol’ Amos didn’t reckon things would be different and come back when he was 22 thinking he’d come and marry Elizabeth and Jason could be his best man but it worked out just the opposite and I’m guessin he just forgot himself and went loco when his dreams just faded away and reality was too hard to swallow.
You know, one can actually feel sorry for ol’ Amos; you can’t just dig up the roots and expect things to be the same. Like a tree dug up by the roots Amos must have felt he was dieing and his memory so dear to him of his early years were to be lost. You know how it is Jessy, a person’s gotta have roots!”
“yup, you got that right Danny boy, you gotta have roots.”

Listen folks, roots or no roots, there is no excusing our actions that we take in life. For in life there are dozens and dozens of actions we can take in acting out our way of thinking, but beneath all the actions lies the simple truth of the Bible that says beneath every sinful action we take there is a motive we are trying to satisfy; whether it be for worries, riches and/or pleasure. And ‘if’ we want to know the love and truth of God bad enough we will search our innermost being for whatever memory, whatever feeling, whatever love that is missing and choose to know the love that “does no harm to it’s neighbor.” Having then chosen it we must abide in it until it becomes a part of us and thus we be transformed knowing “The Way” of Jesus’ thoughts, will, and emotion and we “see” that this is the root to all true Christians and that anyone who claims to be a Christian will either know “The Way” of being, like I just told you, or they will need to be educated in it so as they too can have the roots of true faith in Jesus and can quit living in the confusions of life, which are only confusing because they don’t “see” the roots of God’s Love is found in the alternatives of the motives/reasons we give ourselves for our committing of sin.
Love is out their to be found in Christ Jesus…found and chosen! Such be why Jesus says in John 3:20-21,
“for every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”
So, as Jessy would say: “you either is or ye ain’t walkin in “The Way”. In Him, J.J.

#19 Continuing works by J.J.

I turn 56 next month and feel lucky to have reached this age when my friends are dying off…killed in a prison riot, overdosing on drugs administered with a needle, HIV turned into AIDS, or Hep C.
Yet life is still a blessing to live even if I am homeless, jobless and have no family to help me out now and then.
My sadness lies in the fact that I’ve no one to share the love of Jesus with…a couple weeks ago I shared “The Way” with a lady who was a Baptist and to sum it up she said she’s not going to quit going to her church and she’s not going to change her beliefs.
Listen, I don’t want you to change your church, and your beliefs only need to be given a fuller understanding. Jesus is Lord and savior with a reasoning of understanding in the love that gives substance and evidence to your faith. That’s all.
Can’t you see that all your views on faith, belief, love, obedience, hope and repentance have a reasonable knowledge of increasing revelation that fills you up into a joyous union with our dear Lord Jesus in the Love of our heavenly Father!
In that love we find a desire to do something good to help others especially to do good to the children of God.
I still persist to develop my work of building a low cost health care company called “MB3P an affordable health plan.”
But you don’t seem to be interested!? You, dear reader, are I hope, a Christian. Having experienced being born-again in your spirit.
I know you are out there because there are a lot of “Christian” web sites. I’ve seen them and have interacted with them. Some of them offer all kinds of interesting things to do. Chat sites are a big interest for most, but they don’t want to hear appeals to consider “The Way” of a stranger’s words.
A stranger I am to these sites, coming out boldly with the word of God in an article of “Spiritual Strength” or a sharing of “The Way” of Jesus; only to find that either the ears are deaf to my call or the site monitor will not allow my call to go forth.
And you, can you hear me or does your church affiliation close you off to any other doctrine teaching?
Will you stand up and be counted? Am I asking for too much when I seek your donations to further my cause in Christ Jesus? Am I wrong to want you to become a member of my Health Plan so as to protect your families and save money by dropping your expensive Health insurance to have mine instead?
MB3P is an inspired plan given to bring hope to low-income families for one low monthly fee. With no deductibles, no co-payments, no approved list of doctors, no red tape or restrictions on unapproved medicines, no separate charges for dental, no added charges later on except the added in cost for when health insurance becomes mandatory by law; Something that has been tried recently but failed. No charges for when a life insurance policy is added into the benefits, or when the college fund is added in. and definitely no added charges will be cited as needed when I’m able to pay the members a one-time cash dividend.
If you miss a payment with your insurance carrier they may drop your policy, and they will most definitely refuse to pay any claim for that month you failed to pay. But MB3P will offer emergency coverage for up to three months of no payments before canceling your policy, whether it be missed due to job loss or even temporary incarceration.
Can you see how it is? I’m hurting to heop you!!! If you will only let me…isn’t that what being a Christian is all about? Having a love relationship with God and his chosen? It is!! We are to have the Mind of Christ and “…love others as He loved us.”
Joining my MB3P will make things happen for all of us, but for now only in San Diego. Give me a call if you are interested in joining or perhaps becoming an Independent Agent. Call 619-408-7998 In Him, J.J.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Continuing Works by J.J. #18

Dear Humanist,

I call myself J.J. and do not consider myself anything other than a gifted Christian, and I’m not sure of the humanist stand on Christianity…However I have read of Bertrand Russell, a self-professed Humanist, and consider him an anti-Christ due to his complete misunderstanding of Christianity.

Yes he knew of Christian religion, but that is not the same as understanding “The Way” of Christianity, and all he knew was “as taught by the ‘worlds’ churches.” And I know that knowledge, that is being taught, is greatly impaired.

Hence any organization finding a voice out of Christian teaching ‘as it is taught’ is operating under a false premise and making conclusions based on false criteria.

As exampled by “The Free-thought Forum” newsletter volume 15 issue 1: I quote: “Whether 5000 years ago or yesterday, true faith (i.e. fanaticism) demands strict unquestioned obedience.”

This is not true of “True Faith” but actually of “Blind Faith!” Fanaticism means: “to have no reason for your belief.” Yet true faith demands that you have a reason. Even Jesus says: “Be prepared in every season to give a reason for your belief.”

The churches do not have this reason within themselves because they are blind to “The Way” of Love and Truth. In fact they mis-teach six major Christian concepts: Faith, Hope, Love, Obedience, Belief and Repentance. [There is a reason for this, but that is not now the issue I am addressing.]

Hence none of the wars perpetrated by the churches were sanctioned by Jesus but rather by over zealous blind leaders. These same kind of leaders are written about in the Bible as ‘the blind that shall lead the blind and both fall into a pit.’

In Old Testament days slaughters were carried out by these same kinds of zealots, only they were doing so because of God’s word as given by the prophets of God, and they, (the prophets) knew full well why these ‘wars’ were necessary. And they were!

But the modern “Roman Catholic” wars were not sanctioned or truly cognizant of God’s Will. So, to gripe and complain against God for mostly what “men” have done for ‘power’ or ‘greed’ is a bad case of ‘blaming the wrong person.’

Now I am no scholar to be able to show the Godly reasons for those wars or slaughters carried out in the Old Testament days, but perhaps a reading of some of Mary Baker Eddy’s books such as “The prophets of old” or some such title, might shed some light on those Godly reasons.

Some of those Godly wars were carried out only after hundreds of years were given to change their ways but they didn’t even knowing their extermination or salvation depended on it.

Even today there are people in other countries that will come to an end through war, conducted by man and appearing as necessary, but the real reasons are seen in the bible and they know they choose to rebel against God for their worship of their false god.

We think it’s over oil, but it’s not. It’s a spiritual or “Holy War” and I don’t know about you but I would rather be a Christian in thought, will and emotion than a Muslim that kills you if you disbelieve in Allah.

Only Christianity in its purest form can be worth dying for, yet we are not asked to die for Christ but to live for Christ!!

This you understand when you condemn the blindness of the Mormons in the article on page two.

The humanism that is aghast of this evil in many of the cultic religions is a fair assumption of the facts that blind followers need to find a God of Love and Truth, and ‘that’ is the same conclusion to be given to fanatical Christians that are just as blind to the Love and Truth of God. They are Christian only in name not in faith. And without God man cannot reach the prize so desired of love and truth.

So, in conclusion, Humanism is rejecting only the blind faith religions and don’t know enough of the “True Faith” to distinguish the difference. And to shun the Bible’s true teaching, so as to learn to become the best of humanity based on the best they can achieve, is doomed to failure because, in order to become the best we can be requires the enlightenment that can only be found in the spirit of God; not in the spirit of man.

But it appears the Humanists have burned their bridges before knowing how to cross them.

There’s a reason for this true teaching not being known until these “End Times” when the teachers of this “Hidden Wisdom” will be revealed, and humanists as well as the false cultic religions will need to humble themselves and Meekly learn to come to God through Jesus as “The Way” is taught by these “End Time” teachers.

In Him,