Monday, July 26, 2010

#24 Continuing works by J.J.

“Looking through The Rose colored Glasses

of Christian Science"



An interesting aspect of Christian Science is that they try to view the world as a world of spiritualization where love is expressed as they believe Jesus expressed it; where all error is found in not knowing the universal constant that God is love and all of his creation is in his image, perfect as well.

Yet this view tells them that the legion of demon spirits that Jesus cast out of the lunatic and into a herd of pigs was simply a parable of Jesus casting out the error of the lunatics mind. Completely ignoring the words said and of the pigs going amok and running over the cliff.

A Christian science practitioner who has a hard time acknowledging an actual conversation of Jesus, or being unable to accept the sin of Adam and Eve for the same reason, that error entered into their minds and they were unable to comprehend the kingdom of heaven within; which wouldn’t explain why all of mankind is now fallen, or to neglect the importance of the epistles of Paul simply because they want to emulate the life of Christ, completely ignoring the fact that Paul was given special dispensation by Jesus, who taught him personally while in the spirit, and was given the job of teaching the gentiles how to come to know God through Jesus.

This way of looking at the gospel with rose colored glasses is sacrificing much of the wisdom to be found in the gospel; creating a block of doctrine to blind them from further growth.

I’ve seen this in churches that create their doctrine from one verse and suffer the rest of the gospel to conform to their one scriptural verse, or be rejected. Not only do they reject the teachings of the rest of the bible they also reject anyone in their congregation that do not adhere to their doctrine.

I am saddened by this phenomena that happens to the many would be disciples of Christ.

I know they want to know the love of God in their lives and actually think they are walking in his love because they force themselves to believe in Gods love; but they did nothing to determine what God’s loving way was, nor did they submit to a revelation of discernment. They didn’t suffer the agony of learning to resist the sin and determining to live in the revealed way of love.

Because of this ‘Blinders syndrome’, they may never come to know the truth of Jesus nor the love that comes from God and acknowledged by the Holy Spirit as the Way to submit to until it causes within us a transformation of Mind.

I hope that if you are in such a relationship with a churches doctrine that you will be able to see it and will seek out the one true way to know God in a personal relationship with knowledge; as it says in Ephesians 4:17-24 (memory quote:)

‘you are separated from the love of God and darkened in your understanding due to the hardening of your heart; having lost all feeling, having given yourself over to lust with a continual lust for more. You however did not come to know Christ that way. If you have heard him and been taught by him, YOU were taught with regard to your former way of life to put to death the old man which is corrupted by its deceitful desires. And to put on the new man created in true holiness and righteousness.’

Of course this was written by Paul whom they don’t listen to anyway, and if you press them to learn from Paul they come back at you and say that the epistles of Paul were not written to us but to the churches of their day that needed personal letters written to them to address their personal failure in walking in Christ; they don’t apply to us….

Not only is this ridiculous, it is not true! Look at the beginning of Paul’s letters and see he addresses them to all Christians every where!

Where does that leave them? “We have our differences but we also have too much in common than to argue over this.” They say.

Thus they avoid any serious soul searching for truth and they keep their distance from you who they consider to be in error.

I hope that this letter keeps you from choosing to become a Christian Science Practitioner. In Him, J.J.

#23continuing works by JJ

“Like a Child”

“Verily I say unto you, who so ever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Mark 10:15 NKJV

“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15 NIV

Two verses, two versions almost exactly alike but for two words: “as, “like”.

What does this verse mean? I’ve heard sermons on it, saying, like a child means – just like a child would accept a gift from a loving parent with childlike trust and belief that their parent would never harm them, they accept with glee and love.

Even the “Billy Graham Bible” inserts parenthesis and says: (like a child would accept a gift.)

But is this word “like” to be seen as this implies that we must simply trust and believe with our whole heart that the gift of salvation can be accepted at face value?

I’m afraid not! Why? Because the bible says our heart is deceitful above all things and no man knoweth it. So what may seem to you as believing with a whole heart may in fact be a deception; however you feel about it, only God knows our heart, so how can any of us truthfully say that we believe with our whole heart?

The word “as” on the other hand implies that we CHANGE to become as a child in our acceptance of Salvation and the heavens reward.

Thus to become “as” a child is to say that we are to become as innocent as a child. For it is the innocence that a child has that makes them different than us.

This is the same as, “put to death the misdeeds of the body” and to repent is taken to mean in truth: to reconsider our sins from a divine viewpoint and choose to abide in the thought, will and emotion of God’s loving Way. Thus we become as a child, innocent of the sin we have removed by faith in Jesus.

Let me make sure you understand that…if you are still trying to repent like the churches are teaching which is as a turning away from sin 180 degrees and turning to God as you find Him in the bible, then you are still repenting in error. That repentance is as it is given meaning to in the OLD Testament. In the NEW Testament there is a new word given to us for the word repentance: METANOEO and it has the new meaning of: reconsidering your sins from a divine viewpoint and choosing to submit to the divine way of thought, will, and emotion. Thus when you begin repenting this way you are acknowledging that the way of love and truth found in “The MIND” of Jesus is whom you want to emulate in this life, and at the point that God sees your sincere effort to change to be “Christ-like” or a Christian, God will grant you the Holy spirit that completely removes from us the sin in our spiritual life. Yet the sin in our life is still in our Minds and needs to be eradicated thus giving meaning to the verse of becoming “as” a child.

This verse was first revealed to me at the beginning of my growth in the gift of prophecy; and was seen as 3 circles designating a person in life as a child, a teenager, and an adult.

Over the child we have drawn a line which is also added over the teenagers circle and over the adults circle. Then over the teenager we add a second line over his/her circle which is also added over the adults circle. And finally we add a third line over the adults circle. Hence we have one line over the child, two over the teenager and three lines over the adult. The first line is the same over each and is called separation from God due to Original sin. The second line is the same aver the adult and is called separation from God due to sin committed up to the age of a teenager; and the third line over the adult is called separation from God due to the sin committed up to the age of an adult.

When we are saved, these lines of sin are forgiven and disappear; but once we begin thinking, as we have grown to think, all but the first line re-appears.

In our Spiritual man they are gone forever, but in our natural man the MIND of these Sins is still within us at war against the spiritual man. Yet if we repent, in the true teaching of repentance, the sins we have committed willfully in the past to satisfy a desire for “worries, riches or pleasure” are given enlightenment as to the “motives of our hearts desire” and with the revelations of the Holy Spirit now being possible, we are now able to find a Loving (“love does no harm to its neighbor.”) and Truthful (applies to everyone equally) alternative, that we can Choose to submit to and abide in until it “transforms us by the renewing of our minds”.

Thus we eradicate the mindset of our past sins and acknowledge the mindset of God through Jesus. Thus we remove the lines from over our representative circle and become as one with no lines, which you will remember is “as” the child!

Since that vision of understanding, which went contrary to what I’d already been taught in the church, has been given to me, many more verses have been revealed and seen to compliment this revelation of understanding. You will see some of these verses in this article, or in my other articles, here or on my blog-site: or in my books on

I hope you enjoyed this and felt the thrill of spiritual recognition. If you have, then, as a fellow Christian I entreat you to “put to death the misdeeds of your body” by “working out your salvation” (filling up to the full measure of the measure of the faith you have been given.) REPENTANCE is a continuing effort!

In Him,
