Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Continuing Works by J.J. # 17

“The parable of the good Samaritan”
Works by J.J.
If Jesus is God in the flesh, how come he doesn’t know the day of the end?
There may not be enough words to describe the Co-existence of The Word God The Father and The Word God The Son, but they remain the same with but one exception in our times: We shall know him as we shall know ourselves; for in Him we move and breath and have our being. Adopted? Yes, but made one in the spirit of God…in The Holy Spirit we learn to grow mature and come to know the thoughts, will, and emotions of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yet these qualities do not deprive us of the Freedom of Choice. To choose or not to choose is an aware capability.
Made aware in either our own experience or of that experience of another that we can vicariously know, there is also what we can come to know through the Spirit.
The man without the spirit of God can only know what any man can know, he cannot know what the spirit of God reveals. And determined by which spirit is to raise you up into self-awareness is how you can know the Mind of Christ or of humanity.
Now let’s suppose that while you are becoming aware of how Jesus would express himself in “thought, will and emotion” perhaps 42 years have passed and you are conscious of “The Way, The Truth, and The Life” and find it is not surprising to give an affirmation that if you had been learning from Jesus in the flesh you know he and you are not one in the same flesh. You are grateful for His timely insights into the perfect law of Love and its revealing knowledge of Truth; But you are distinctly you just as He is distinctly himself- fashioned from the substance of eternity, while we were only dirt and a breath of life in an all too soon, ungodly body.
Even so, as God The Father said, “I AM!” thus making it so, where before was only a growing self awareness he was now inclucive as The Word: God The Son. One in complete awareness of inclusivity in the exclusivity of The Word God The Father. The Father is spirit while Jesus became the inclusive God The Word Spirit. It was this same spirit that became Jesus in the flesh! And that makes it possible for us to know The Word God the Father through Jesus.
Distinctly separate, totally one with The Word God The Father in His spiritual form, as The Word God The Son; they spent an unmeasured eternity enjoying each other daily as creation took place. For in Him we live and breathe and have our being.
During all of creation God The Father took delight in His Son…determining with him on what boundaries the seas will take and for an appearance of aged and set ways they did rejoice in, manifesting that in all things in “thought, will, and emotion” they understood the knowledge of the universes *1…(How it ran so beautifully and lovingly as long as evil didn’t lodge his war with God.) and they were one in agreement.
Yet through it all they were distinctly separate and mindful of their self awareness’s that each had the freedom to choose. And so will we as adopted sons and daughters of God.
We now realize no one can predict the spontaneity of choice to the infinite degree of performance. And so it is with only God the Father knowing the time to become the end of days…It’s His choice and only His!!! *2

*1 - Consider: God the Father is spirit! In all and through all knowing instantly the “polarization” of our choices, God knows as soon as we know…we are a family in the making and when it is 100% filled the end will come.
*2 – Consider: there are many who claim to be teachers of “The Way” even if it be by a different name, but Christianity is given a “Hidden Wisdom” that is a road map to lead us to the brink of discovery…shouldn’t you endeavor to walk it as it is taught by a teaching prophet, before you give in to the seducing spirits of others?
The End


  1. J.J. here: I'm surprized no one has commented on the blog #17 and asked why does it address the article's title as the parable of the good samaritan? So I will tell you...in the parable the good samaritan takes the wounded man to an inn and pays for two days care and says whatever more you need I will pay it when I return....that whatever more could be years since in a 24 hr. period each hour is 41.6 yrs.

  2. Remember that a day is like a thousand years, so the division of 24 into 1000 = 41.6 years This parable is used by the churches to signafy that the two days payment means Jesus will return in 2000 years, but they fail to realize the extra possible cost. throughout the bible there is example of God forstalling a planned execution of his determined will simply because he is willing that no one that is Rightious in his eyes shold pay for the mistakes of the many. So if someone is seen by God as rising up from the stink of sin God will give that person(s) the time he needs to become a child of God born of the Holy Ghost. And then, He will set the time of the return of Christ Jesus. J.J.


I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone out there reading my blog a chance to have your pressing questions answered on matters of the Christian faith. So feel free to ask me that question that you have bugging you to no end and the churches can’t seem to answer to your satisfaction, and I will give it my best shot. Thank-you.