Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Continuing Works by J.J. #18

Dear Humanist,

I call myself J.J. and do not consider myself anything other than a gifted Christian, and I’m not sure of the humanist stand on Christianity…However I have read of Bertrand Russell, a self-professed Humanist, and consider him an anti-Christ due to his complete misunderstanding of Christianity.

Yes he knew of Christian religion, but that is not the same as understanding “The Way” of Christianity, and all he knew was “as taught by the ‘worlds’ churches.” And I know that knowledge, that is being taught, is greatly impaired.

Hence any organization finding a voice out of Christian teaching ‘as it is taught’ is operating under a false premise and making conclusions based on false criteria.

As exampled by “The Free-thought Forum” newsletter volume 15 issue 1: I quote: “Whether 5000 years ago or yesterday, true faith (i.e. fanaticism) demands strict unquestioned obedience.”

This is not true of “True Faith” but actually of “Blind Faith!” Fanaticism means: “to have no reason for your belief.” Yet true faith demands that you have a reason. Even Jesus says: “Be prepared in every season to give a reason for your belief.”

The churches do not have this reason within themselves because they are blind to “The Way” of Love and Truth. In fact they mis-teach six major Christian concepts: Faith, Hope, Love, Obedience, Belief and Repentance. [There is a reason for this, but that is not now the issue I am addressing.]

Hence none of the wars perpetrated by the churches were sanctioned by Jesus but rather by over zealous blind leaders. These same kind of leaders are written about in the Bible as ‘the blind that shall lead the blind and both fall into a pit.’

In Old Testament days slaughters were carried out by these same kinds of zealots, only they were doing so because of God’s word as given by the prophets of God, and they, (the prophets) knew full well why these ‘wars’ were necessary. And they were!

But the modern “Roman Catholic” wars were not sanctioned or truly cognizant of God’s Will. So, to gripe and complain against God for mostly what “men” have done for ‘power’ or ‘greed’ is a bad case of ‘blaming the wrong person.’

Now I am no scholar to be able to show the Godly reasons for those wars or slaughters carried out in the Old Testament days, but perhaps a reading of some of Mary Baker Eddy’s books such as “The prophets of old” or some such title, might shed some light on those Godly reasons.

Some of those Godly wars were carried out only after hundreds of years were given to change their ways but they didn’t even knowing their extermination or salvation depended on it.

Even today there are people in other countries that will come to an end through war, conducted by man and appearing as necessary, but the real reasons are seen in the bible and they know they choose to rebel against God for their worship of their false god.

We think it’s over oil, but it’s not. It’s a spiritual or “Holy War” and I don’t know about you but I would rather be a Christian in thought, will and emotion than a Muslim that kills you if you disbelieve in Allah.

Only Christianity in its purest form can be worth dying for, yet we are not asked to die for Christ but to live for Christ!!

This you understand when you condemn the blindness of the Mormons in the article on page two.

The humanism that is aghast of this evil in many of the cultic religions is a fair assumption of the facts that blind followers need to find a God of Love and Truth, and ‘that’ is the same conclusion to be given to fanatical Christians that are just as blind to the Love and Truth of God. They are Christian only in name not in faith. And without God man cannot reach the prize so desired of love and truth.

So, in conclusion, Humanism is rejecting only the blind faith religions and don’t know enough of the “True Faith” to distinguish the difference. And to shun the Bible’s true teaching, so as to learn to become the best of humanity based on the best they can achieve, is doomed to failure because, in order to become the best we can be requires the enlightenment that can only be found in the spirit of God; not in the spirit of man.

But it appears the Humanists have burned their bridges before knowing how to cross them.

There’s a reason for this true teaching not being known until these “End Times” when the teachers of this “Hidden Wisdom” will be revealed, and humanists as well as the false cultic religions will need to humble themselves and Meekly learn to come to God through Jesus as “The Way” is taught by these “End Time” teachers.

In Him,

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I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone out there reading my blog a chance to have your pressing questions answered on matters of the Christian faith. So feel free to ask me that question that you have bugging you to no end and the churches can’t seem to answer to your satisfaction, and I will give it my best shot. Thank-you.