Monday, September 14, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #14

Wow! My lady and I had need of some money to transfer registration and so I tried and placed an ad to sell a mini fridge/freezer/microwave we had in storage. “$100.00 runs good and quiet. I then went to my email and checked for the confirmation e-mail, clicking to confirm. Then to eliminate some of the spam file. When I returned and refreshed my inbox there was what I thought to be a confirmation of the confirmation, but it turned out to be someone, namely the woman that bought it. That fast!

With a little help from savings we are now registered. Now to get the ticket kicked out….
Life finds its ways to keep you busy and scrambling to eke out an existence but you gotta love it. When you are trying to be a man of the family and life can be viewed in the realm of thought, will and emotion shared with our Lord Jesus; brother; savior; friend and the Word: God the Son.

I don’t know about you, but I love being “in the view” with Jesus but then I get out of bed and know the view won’t last much longer. But seriously, it doesn’t have to remain that way; we actually are supposed to GROW in our personal relationship with our Father in Heaven.

Check it out in your bible: Ephesians 4:17-24, and II Peter 1:3-11.

Paul sure believes in “Living in the view” He said so in so many words: ‘Why, who are you to judge me? You judge by human standards but I judge by spiritual standards, “for who may knoweth the mind of the lord that he may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ;” having his thought, will and emotions as our own in “increasing measure.”

Seriously folks, as I walk in the way of understanding I see so much of the false teachings of man trying to sound like they know the way of Jesus, but really don’t even have a clue. It’s really amazing to think that before I came into the understanding that we all get in The Way, I probably would have sat through those false teachings thinking that I must be dumb or something because I just don’t get it! Now I know they don’t get it! And unless they humble themselves to be meek (teachable) they will probably never get it.

If they are saved they will go to heaven as one “passing through the flame” they will lose certain of their rewards but they will know God and Jesus as Lord and Savior.

And if they could, they would rue the day that they missed out on knowing an abundance of God’s blessings before entering heaven!

Don’t be like these Christians who refuse teaching from anyone who claims to be a prophet, even though I Cor. 14:22 says: “Prophecy is for believers.” Just make sure he’s really a prophet! How can you tell? He has the reason to show you HOW TO COME TO GOD in Repentance. He will show you the substance and evidence of faith; he will teach you how to be obedient through submission and not by will power. He will show you how to believe in Jesus by proving his existence. He will show you where your hope in Jesus comes from and he will not ask you to believe without reason! You will understand how to test the spirit.

With these guidelines you will see that I am a prophet in truth. Now let’s get you going on the path of understanding so that you can do God’s will in all honesty. And you can experience God’s abundant blessings. Take care,
In Him,

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