Friday, September 18, 2009

Continuing works by J.J.

Entry #15

I feel pretty good tonight. I now have my car insurance and don’t need to worry about being stopped and towed. Yesterday was a big day too! I installed a solar panel for the battery and fixed up an inverter to jump 12 volts up to 110. But I really want to do more than work on my motor home….

I really want to do well with my Health Plan ‘MB3P’; a low cost health care that grows large will be able to do great things…

A Christian city or community is my dream. Not like other Christian cities that are only Christian in name, where every business raises its prices to take advantage of you. I want to give you an example: I was looking through a magazine that caters to the entrepreneur and this one ad was offering a sign. It was inflated and had a slogan along its tall length. It sold for about $400.00. A short while later I saw the same sign for sale in a Christian magazine and it sold for close to $500.00.

That’s not the way we Christians should do things. The Christian sign ought to be either the same price or lower! Perhaps a slightly higher price if it was an affiliate offer.

In my city or community I want to pay the taxes, earn a living and pass on the savings. I don’t want to charge high rents which make it hard for business.

Let’s have solar powered buildings, water tanks and a clean ethic. But in order for this to work out we need to be of the one mind of Christ Jesus.

“Let him who wants to lead be a servant.” That’s me! When I was in prison in Texas I took over the leadership of one of the work squads and made two rules: nobody fights without my permission and nobody pays protection.

When we hit the fields to work I kept everyone even with me and I took it slow so no one would get out of place. No pushing, no shoving, no threats, no favoritism.

I did such a good job making that squad shine that my field boss wrote me up an “Exceptional Good Work Report”. “And my squad? Well let me say this, when a new guy came on the block and threatened me that he was taking over my squad, five of my squad members stood up for me and intervened without any word from me.

They were a gang that appreciated my leadership. I’ve led bible studies; I’ve been made team captain for school yard games of kickball or other sports. I’ve been liked and hated. Those that hated me did so because of ego. I stood up for the underdog. I’ve protected the weak and had a kind word of greeting for those that nobody cared for. I cared. Why? Because I knew how he felt. And in time, God gave me a special gift of prophecy. To use to comfort, strengthen and encourage the church of brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. For close-on 30 years elapsed. I learned by the same process we all have to learn; even as Paul: The Apostle went through… “the good I want to so I do not do but the bad I don’t want to do I do. What a wretched man I am who will rescue me from this body of sin? Thanks be to God through Christ Jesus.” Yes, we are all to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God. Jesus made it possible for us to grow because before Jesus there was no Holy Spirit given by which men may be saved and that none shall be lost.” But then, that is why God gave us prophets, to lead us to the knowledge of God’s Righteousness. You don’t have to drink the water I might be able to lead you too, all I know is that if you don’t learn from me the truth that is in Jesus, as a knowledge we know firsthand and ever more intimately: Here’s how I see it, there are a host of possible scenario’s but the simple to see ones are: unsaved, or saved; blind or not blind to the word of knowledge of “The Way”; pretending you know it or serious about knowing your Lord in a for real tangible way!” if you said: I am looking for a real relationship with my Lord Jesus, and through Him a real relationship with God The Father; our true Father not a dad. Then, over the years I have learned that the best way to do that is share the doctrine of “The Way” with my godly family and help them to grow in the spirit. That’s not easy but, what else can I do?

You’re reading my blog, click on the comments and see how hard it is. Some like it, others don’t understand it and express their Christian beliefs in the same way that others who don’t understand, do.

What does it mean, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me?” it’s a true saying but how do you experience it?

Most, including the person who commented to me, probably believe that God, or Jesus will fill them with spiritual energy to be able to love others when they are weak. And in the mean time they continue to hold on to their belief by faith. Having done nothing except hope and become increasingly bitter over their inability to understand and be more expressive of the fruits of the spirit, and not experience any supernatural endowment from on high.

But that’ the end result: bitterness, before they get there they will become fanatical Christians, having NO REASON, for their beliefs other than a misunderstood belief in blind faith.

They will be bible thumpers that give the same blind teachings to others that they believe but fail to achieve any true meaning of. It’s kinda like the married woman who has an affair and tries to convince herself she must be in love to do it, or continue in her infidelity and adulterous relationship. And all they are doing is living a lie.

It’s the same with blind faith, only it’s believed that Jesus really loves you and will reward your blind faith with strength to live in; the love and fruits of the spirit IF they just hold onto that blind faith.

Sorry, it doesn’t work like that my friend. Faith does not grow by stubborn belief. You must find the way of love and truth beyond your reasons for sin and submit to it, abide in it until it becomes yours in understanding knowledge and a transforming change of being.

To do that means a continuing work of repentance, a work that the bible may hint at as taking about 41.6 years to accomplish on your own, AND Not a onetime confession you think was your one time repentance!

Folks, read my blog again. Read the teachings I share. Try to do it even though you don’t want to. It’s so much easier to have blind faith…break away! You can do it. Then join me in my efforts to build a true Christian community.
In Him,

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I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone out there reading my blog a chance to have your pressing questions answered on matters of the Christian faith. So feel free to ask me that question that you have bugging you to no end and the churches can’t seem to answer to your satisfaction, and I will give it my best shot. Thank-you.