Friday, September 4, 2009

Continuing Works by J.J.

Entry #13

I’ve had a few comments from a few readers, but where are the people who think they are Christians simply because they were given assurance that they were by the preacher they asked, if whether they were saved when they made their confession and sinners prayer, or not?

I haven’t heard from you yet…doesn’t it concern you that someone, (ME) is telling you that if you have to ask you are probably not saved? Or, why don’t you mind that I told you that the churches will be the ones persecuting the true Christian believers? Where are the angry mobs?

I’m sure that if I were to make such a statement in Israel or any of the Muslim countries, I would most likely be lynched. And while “we” American Christians, like to think we are above that type of behavior, the truth is we are not. Let some emotional type preacher stir up the hornets’ nest and watch out…we “goody-goody” Christians will go out and bomb abortion clinics, put pipe bombs in cars, or even picket a church that we were told was anti-Christ.

No, we are still just as animalistic as the “others”, but for the most part we are just snobbish know it all’s.

The other day I went to a Christian merchandise store that closed the store on Sundays and held church services. I talked to the lady that was there sweeping out the store and commented on the church and asked if they also had bible studies classes and if they ever had guest teachers? She answered by saying that she and the pastor taught the bible study classes.

So I put her to the test and asked her what was the “Hidden Wisdom” spoken of in I Cor. Chapter two? Her answer: “You tell me.” When I told her I would tell her after she told me she said, “The bible tells us not to get into debates about the word.”

Folks, if that sounds like something you would say, you would be just like her and in the wrong! A debate is not trying to change a person’s mind from misconception, but is rather trying to convince a person that their way is better. The difference is that “reasoning” (what she called a debate,) shows the error of a person’s way from a way that is proven true. A debate doesn’t try to show the errors of the way but the benefits of doing things their way. You can still believe what you want but you are asked to adopt the way of the debater because it is the most beneficial of the ways for all concerned.

When I told her that she was in the wrong for wanting to make me go first, she started acting self righteous and says things like: “I’m sorry you feel that way SIR.”; “Have a nice day SIR.”

Shut the door behind you, and don’t let it hit you in the arse on your way out…. Listen, the verse that she referred to does not say do not debate the bible, it says do not have foolish arguments about the bible. Reasoning is not foolish!

Paul used “reasoning” with king Felix in the book of acts…God used “reasoning” with Isaiah in the book of Isaiah. Reasoning is the trademark of all true Christians. Jesus told us not to make judgments based on only what you see. And he said prove me my sin! They couldn’t.

Yet we are to “Prove” the truth of the gospel. (John chap. 3) and it is hidden to those without the spirit. There is no church today teaching this hidden wisdom of Jesus Christ. So, it will and does bump heads with church taught doctrine. You are told: Blessed are the meek, (teachable)… but where are the teachable meek? The next day I walked past that same store/church and the male teacher was there, so I explained to him about the lady “teacher” and how I tried to put her to the test, and at the mention of the word “test” he stopped the conversation and said “End of conversation; you can’t test me.” He then clammed up and refused to tell me why I can’t test him, yet when I left he started in teaching the others that were there, (three of them,) and started to teach them about not letting themselves be tested. Saying, that you can never satisfy a testing person because they will always have an answer different than yours, and claim that you are in the wrong.

Perhaps, in the way of the world testers are like that, but the bible tells us to “Test the spirits.” I John 4:1 Why? So you can tell who the true prophets from the false prophets are. And folks…if a test can tell them apart then it stands to reason that you can’t be a teacher with a different teaching and claim that you are just teaching “at the place you are at in the spirit.” To be able to test the spirits you must have the same knowledge of understanding or you will always test wrong in comparison. So I was in the right to put them to the test, and they were wrong to refuse to be tested. That is why the bible tells us that you should be careful to call yourselves teachers for teachers will be judged more harshly. It’s a big responsibility that has been heavily abused in the churches; with over 34,000 different Christian doctrine teaching church’s teaching what “their itchy little ears want to hear” instead of the truth in Jesus.

Well wherever you are, you can stay there where you are at. But for those of you that have questions to find understanding, let’s hear from you!!!

If you have been told to avoid foolish arguments, then avoid them, but any “discussion” that seeks enlightenment in understanding is not foolish nor is it an argument. Even if we are opposed to each other’s belief, to reach an agreement one way or the other is a good thing!! We may never come into agreement of beliefs, (and we won’t as long as you will not walk in “The Way.”) I know that most beliefs contrary to the one-true belief are usually caused by misunderstanding the Christian faith.

“Do you believe that you can’t get into heaven unless you believe in Jesus?” They ask; and if I simply say yes, they reject the message of salvation. But believing is so much more than an inclination of favor…to really believe, according to the Greek word: pisteuo, means: to know, to trust, to be obedient to, to cling to.

To know: a confident assurance based on our increasing transformation in the mind of Christ given from the practice of repentance.

To trust: an act of faith that rests on the foundation of increasing love and truth found in our repentance.

To be obedient to: to submit to the way of love and truth found in our repentance, with a determination personalized by our commitment to walking in the way of righteousness. This is NOT a commitment to following the Ten Commandments. Yet if we are true to submitting to the love and truth found in our proper repentance we will be found to be “IN ACCORDANCE” to the commandments, for “whatever commandment there may be they are all summed up in the commandment of love for love does no harm to its neighbor.”

To cling to: a response of love and adoration given to our Lord for his many gifts of the spirit.

Without this fuller acknowledgement of believing, the word “believe” is empty of meaning and mistaken for an act of a simpleton. Yet so many “born-again” Christians think that believing without the substance and evidence of faith is what is meant when asked if they believe. Thus perpetuating the misunderstanding of true belief.

When true understanding is reached then the strongholds of a false belief are more readily apt to be re-considered and possibly changed.

Have you any questions, comments or contrary opinions to ask or share? Have others in your church discouraged you from asking? To hell with them! Let them pave their own road to destruction without dragging you along!!

Proverbs 2:1-5 tells us to cry aloud for knowledge and seek it as for hidden treasure! Go and take your shovel and dig for your treasures. How many holes must you dig before you find it? How many blisters will you have on your hands? I never said the love and truth of God was easy to find, only easy to look for! REPENTANCE!!!

The process of asking why you do the wrong that you do, to find the motives/reasons/excuses why you do wrong and seek out the loving and truthful alternatives that the Holy Spirit acknowledges and you submit to, is easy. Doing so until you become fruitful is dependent on your desire for freedom, love, truth, strength, real faith and determination. Yet if you are so easily persuaded from asking the questions you have, then you may end up as one of those who perish for lack of knowledge in the true faith. Sad!


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I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone out there reading my blog a chance to have your pressing questions answered on matters of the Christian faith. So feel free to ask me that question that you have bugging you to no end and the churches can’t seem to answer to your satisfaction, and I will give it my best shot. Thank-you.